Like many racing games on the PS1, Chocobo Racing does not have a lot of content - the story mode consists of 9 tracks and the only way to unlock all the bonus stuff is to repeat said story mode ten times. BUT it’s a very charming little kart racer regardless, with a neat system where you stack powerups for greater effect, as well as some great music and cute presentation. Shame it never got a sequel haha

Dangerously close to being the worst game I’ve ever played. The physics are shockingly bad, as are the visuals, and all this might have been excused for a game from, say, 1994 - but this was released in 2002! Three years after Gran Turismo 2! And your only rewards are awful cars for racing on awful tracks, and FMVs of big breasted blonde women who look like they’re being held at gunpoint.

Not even the funny kind of bad - just bad.

One of the best games to ever come out of Rockstar. It may have an open world but it refuses to commit to the open world trappings of the era, focusing entirely on the good shit - the interrogations, the voice work, the investigations, the facial animation, the car/on foot chases. I think it loses a bit of steam by the end but it’s still no doubt an incredible game.

A nice lil game to smash out over the weekend. Looks really good and the car physics are different but a lot of fun, and even if the gunplay’s a bit ho-hum there are still some memorable and tense firefights and scripted sequences to keep things exciting.
Story’s good too, though there are more instances of characters smoking than there are Pokémon in the Pokedex lmao but uh yeah very neat and good and fun

Very cool of Microsoft/Xbox to fund a game with a transmasc lead imo. It’s also not as, uh, cringe? as other Dontnod games and has some very pretty backdrops but largely this one’s pretty forgettable. Glacial pacing, so-so characters and a weak mystery with a not particularly fulfilling conclusion. Great LGBTQ+ and mental health rep, but otherwise just an ok story.

Ending aside (which wasn’t THAT bad anyway), Mass Effect 3 dials back on dialogue choices and forces your Shepard to speak in ways you might not intend, which is a bit lame. Gameplay wise however, it’s a huge leap over the past two, with the best weapons in the trilogy, a fun weight balancing mechanic and better controls overall. Weakest story, but best combat.

One of the best games ever made.

Combat’s vastly improved. Squadmates have more character. Locations are more varied. Inventory management has been simplified. There is so much care put into every facet of this game (that isn’t the random missions you find while scanning planets, or DLC missions like the Normandy Crash Site or the poorly aged Project Overlord) that you have to wonder how they did it, and this is all without mentioning the suicide mission, one of the greatest moments in gaming period. An easy top 10 game for me.

Early Instalment Weirdness: the video game. The equipment and ammo management is tedious beyond all compare, squadmates don’t have a lot of presence, combat’s basic at best and there aren’t a lot of decisions to make that truly affect the story.
Even so, it’s still a great story, and everything from the visuals to the HUD design to the landscapes and soundtrack are a V I B E. It also feels expansive despite only taking me 20 hours to finish. It’s greater than the sum of its parts, for sure.

Ultimately let down by a lack of content (even for 1999, 10 tracks and a couple difficulty levels feels slim) and some chaotically unfair moments during races, which is a shame, because it’s got some really neat ideas - it’s remembered for having cars that can flip over and still keep racing as well as driving on walls and ceilings, but what impressed me most were the destructible track elements that leave debris everywhere, kind of like a precursor to Split/Second. It’s really neat, but it’s a 40 minute experience at best.

Yeah I dunno. I like it, but it feels like The New Order but prettier and spongier. Enemies take way too much of a beating while you take very little, and the ending is a bit of a wet fart.

While the story isn’t as engaging as The New Order, and it starts off a little rocky, the rest of the game is a non-stop thrill ride and some of the best the FPS genre has to offer. Shorter, obviously, but somehow tighter than the first.

Required learning for FPS enjoyers. The shooting feels solid, weighty and impactful, and combines the best of boomer shooters with that of modern military shooters, alongside a super well presented story, to make a game that doesn’t seem to stand out much at first, but will stand tall amongst the best as time marches on.

Probs the best DLC (yet to play Winter Bash though), but only cause they at least put bit of effort into the presentation. I still don’t care for these characters and what happens to them, and I don’t know why anyone would.