Really good but lacks that "flair" that the Yakuza series have and drags on a little too much

The most entertaining puzzle game ever made

Valve have the limitless potential to make a half life 3

Cacete muito melhor que o primeirokkkkkk

A atmosfera do primeiro podem ser melhor e os gráficos basicamente iguais, mas em termo de gameplay tem nem comparação

This game restored my love for RPGs

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I was expecting a good remake, but damn, not such a GOOD one. They enhanced every single thing about the original BUT I really didnt like they removed some of the goofy stuff about the original, like saddler and Leon dialogues and the laser corridor but besides that, AMAZING.

Peak fiction tbh
And goated OST

I'm ready, dragon's dogma 2.

I dont get why people hate on this game