2 reviews liked by Replayattack

Maybe I would feel differently if I played the original Alex Kidd as a kid and had some nostalgia for it, but I can’t think of legitimately anything good to say about this. The main problem with the game is the controls are some of the worst I’ve ever seen. The jumps don’t feel like you have much control and it’s hard to judge how you’re going to fall or where you are going to land. Also the game couldn’t feel more bland in my opinion. The enemies are just kind of there waiting for you to literally punch them in the face. This is a game I’m certain I will never come back to and can’t recommend this to anyone.

A racing game unfortunately repeats itself a lot I did 100% but unfortunately the machine is very unfair, but I had fun, it's a very short game that does 100% in 7 hours. many times my departure was frustrated by the machine like the police car that chases you all the time and if it is a rivals race your car is easier to be hit than the rivals which causes a huge imbalance, it is fun but unfair in some stages on the game map.