Log Status






Time Played

38h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 8, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


The most notable thing about Atlas Fallen was its movement—sand sliding and jumping—which remained fun throughout the playthrough. Each map was designed for mobility, and while the barren wastelands often didn’t offer much in the way of colourful spectacles, they were nevertheless wonderful to explore.

As for what else it offered, it wasn’t terrible, but wasn’t great either. It struck me as an old fashioned action game where it was comfortable not pushing boundaries or attempting to create a groundbreaking story. There were monsters, and the goal was to fight them, oftentimes by slowly whittling down their health. I won’t deny I had fun despite its faults, and thankfully it presented options when it came to armour and abilities (aka essence stones).