9 reviews liked by Retr0Cat

Lost many a nut to this one. This game is not good, it’s just here for a good time. 🥴

Mark this in the history books Lego Star Wars 2 hits the shelves
Who knew to create a better game you just need to cover the better set of movies and be the sequel

I fucking hate the joy cons man. Smooth moves worked because it had an actual good motion controller to work with

My favorite of the 3 free Jerma games on Steam. Incredible visual style, great aesthetic, funny, entertaining, and a great point and click game even ignoring the theme. I think the bottle shooting minigame might've been a bit too hard, like, I know the source material, but considering how laid back the rest of the game is, I think it could be toned down a bit. I almost quit because of it, actually. But otherwise, incredible. I'm so glad I played after Jerma did on stream so I could hear his beautiful voice read the dialogue to me like a wonderful bedtime story.

There's a guy in this called "Superfly Johnson"

Man, where to even start with this one. I have played Postal 4 since Alpha when it was first offered. A new Postal game?? Sign me up! I played through all the days and finished the game when the Friday update dropped. I know since then there have been tons of updates and optimizations, but it's just not worth going back to right this moment.

If you want the humor Postal 2 had, it's there however its more in your face. Which is one of my main gripes. Postal 2 was more subtle with its references, whereas Postal 4 is along the lines of "ZOMG go to the Game of Thrones Toilet store and install Bidets, but watch out for Peter Dinklage!" or with the return of the voting errand, but with WACKY BROKEN VOTING MACHINES, REMEMBER THE 2020 ELECTION?!?! At least in Postal 2, the political commentary was less ham-fisted.

I felt the design of some of the areas was severly lacking. Way too open and drawn out, with large expanses of empty map between areas. The layout of the map was also confusing, requiring me to pull out my map every 20 seconds. This is even WITH a minimap.

I don't mean this personally, but John St. John is the shittiest Postal dude VA. I'm serious. I would take Zack Ward over his performance any day. I am glad they included all VA's for the Dude that you can select from, Rick Hunter immediately.

I also felt the overall story/plot was missing something. Every errand felt disjointed, as well as the people you were doing errands for. The reveal at the end of Friday was also horrible, it retconns an entire sequence of Postal 2 that I adore playing through. It felt cheap. Same with the mall shootout, cheap arena fight that had an out-of-left-field payoff.

I would say play it, but its not worth multiple playthroughs

Had nightmares about the Brickster. That dude is fucked up. Laid in bed at night just waiting for him to break in and kill me