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This is the best Smash Bros. game, I don't care about people's takes of "unbalanced", yadda yadda. As someone who ISN'T married to the "Tourney Scene", I absolutely loved it. Especially because out of the entire series, it had the MOST single player content, in my view. And what put it over the top, was the "Subspace Emissary" adventure mode.

I was outright gutted when it turned out the (lazily subtitleless) Wii U game featured NO kind of adventure mode whatsoever. Not even a bare-bones one like Melee had. Nothing. With one of the lamest excuses from a developer as to why, that I've ever heard, "Oh some people spoiled the cut-scenes for themselves online". Like, what? WHO THE FUCK CARES?

But back to Brawl, as stated, I love it. I put a TON of time into it, trying to unlock all the songs and various things. No, the online wasn't SUPER great, which was Nintendo's fault. But the game in general, as far as total package and sheer amount of content, is the best of the bunch, to me. Even WITH consideration to characters added on Wii U and Switch that I wish had been in this one.

And for the record, I LIKE how Meta Knight plays in this. Just saying.