The mario bros meet Resident Evil?Idk I've always felt a connection between those games whenever I played a Luigi's Mansion game.Luigi steps out of the shadows of his brother and finally get's his own video game starring himself,a lunatic professor and a gallery of all sorts of wild groping ghosts.I always have a fun time with this,first time players will spend a bit trying to navigate the mansion,exploring each and every room for treasure and identifying each boss ghost's unique weakness and finding which key is which.It's a labyrinth of horrified proportions.I find Luigi's Mansion to be extremely replayable since it's a pretty short game,speed runs are also up for debate if you're into that sort of thing.Luigi's got all sorts of gadgets at his disposal to protect him from an infamous rouge gallery,he's got a good ol trusty Gameboy he uses as a map,a flashlight to see what evil lurks in the dark,a vacuume cleaner to suck up all the money and ghosts he comes across as well as elemental hazards he'll find that'll help him in his ghostly adventure.There's all sorts of memorable decor surrounding the mansion,Luigi is able to interact with most things around him and it's very fun to see his reactions to the new environment he's been put in.He's also got quite a couple of troublesome boss ghosts that will stop Luigi in his tracks,there's also quite the plethora of normal ghosts you'll be coming across that are more common enemies that'll be quite the jumpscare for those easily startled.Luigi's Mansion is a very fun and spooky time and truly made Luigi shine as his own character and give him his own franchise.

Reviewed on Jun 04, 2024
