Good zombie killing coop game with some challange.
Physics and animations still better than most AAA-games today.

A bit fun with friends, but meh. Just the game you expect it to be.

Revolutionary game. Everyone played it, never was my cup of tea.
Lots of community maps and mods.

Fantastic game with excellent gameplay and combat mechanics. Good level of challange and lots of hype fights.
Simpler skilltrees and RPG mechanics than Souls game.

Half Life 2 with your friends.
Some issues and bugs, but works great.

Awesome, hard zombie shooter to play with friends. A bit grindy to get your class levels up (especially welding is tedious).
Doesn't age very well, maybe play the sequel instead.

Rogue-Like with lots of items and synergies, weird enemies and story in general. Typical Edmund McMillen game.
A bit too many DLCs

Fun, challanging rogue-like. Rebirth (remake) is now strictly better.

Decent game, not as good as the other ones.

Good, long game. Pretty much the same as the other wants. Well written characters.

Fantastic game with tons of guns and weirdness. Silly jokes and lovable characters.
Didn't age very well, limited FOV and graphics, buy the remastered version instead.

Fun with friends. High nostalgia.
A bit too many hats and weapons released, ughghg.

Great to play boardgames with your friends. Lots of workshop content. Great community. Good to stay in touch with your friends during COVID.

Toxic game that I played way too much.
Don't play it. If you still want to, disable chat and play with friends.