This is my first Assassin's Creed game, as I am not into all that sneaking around stuff. I prefer the direct approach, and Valhalla also resonates with me for personal reasons.

Probably one of the best PC games of the '80s!

Before the NET existed, it was painful trying to find solutions to some of the more challenging puzzles . . . like getting out of the dungeon!

I played this in 1987, when it first came out. So, yea, I am an old fart gamer, heh.

Stumbled onto this game at Best Buy in 2004, and the cashier warned me how addictive it was.

I played it every day for about the next five years!

Yea, it was the first Video Game I took time off of work to play. But wouldn't be the last. And City of Villains was also pretty great.

If you love Super Heroes and MMORPGs, City of Heroes not only set the bar, they created it!!

I mean, it's brutal - it's daily - it's global, and it is good for your overall mental health. Unless of course it causes you nothing but constant rage. ;)

This was when my Save Game obsession truly began!


Whoever designed this game clearly had a crash because their brakes failed.

Nowhere near as good as the original, but it was fun going on missions throughout time and getting a chuckle out of the history.

Major props for having an arcade room where you can literally play the original in its entirety!

You find out who your real friends in life are pretty quickly in this game.

I still have flashbacks from the friendly fire.

Considering this was 1981, and an improvement on the static nature of Space Invaders, I played it before every movie back in the day.

Sadly, I never liked this one as much ALL my friends. Also, it's annoying that Link isn't Zelda and, yea, for reasons that we can't explain, I just never liked this game.

Actually, that's false. This was the first game where I saw someone using Cheat Codes, and I hated that and I still hate Cheat Codes, with one obvious exception.

Fall in hole - die in hole.

Game winds up same.


At the time, the best Batman game ever made.

I remember really loving this game. It was like Shinobi meets Gotham City. Fun, challenging, but not aggravating like others of its kind.

It took guts to hit that thruster boost!

You had Chuck-E-Cheese, I had Mark Twain's Riverboat Playhouse - we are not the same.

But short of going to Space Camp and having Jinx send you to outer space (what a Joker) this was the closest to zero gravity that you could experience in the '80s.