Like Wordle but for masochists.

Let me know if you can ever figure out what a perfect game looks like! 1, 2, 3, 4 - is that even possible?

After years and two iPad upgrades, I finally did "tap out," but it was a lot of fun while it lasted.

Ultimately, it became a cash grabber. :(

We collected ALL of the figures, or damned near all of them.

It was a sad day when they stopped creating characters for this game and shut down the online stuff.

A Disney-lover's dreamscape!

Started out great; became a major cash grabber.

From Disney? Shocking!!!

A sadist designed it; masochists play it.

This was the game that got me to open a GOG account. I still haven't purchased it again, though. Because I know once I do, I will lose all productivity.

A murder mystery with werewolves, set in Munich.

It's like they read my freakin' mind!!!

Aptly named. Also, I suck at driving games, but I loved The Simpsons so much, I stuck with it longer than I should have.

This is the game that made me get a Nintendo Switch!

I loved UA2 so much, that I bought the Switch and this game as soon as I could.

My son and I have played it through at least twice. You can play with tons of different characters, so it is a layered experience. And if you love the MCU, it's perfect for you!

I was nearly busted so many times playing this, but I learned all about Alt+Tab ;)

This is the game that the MCU consults when writing a new movie.

Imagination at its finest. The closest thing to being James Bond a lot of us quarter jockeys could ever realize.

Easily the best game ever made for the 2600!

The closest thing to being The Karate Kid that many of us nerds would ever experience, tbh.