I think I get the hype now that I completed Sonic 3. I love a lot of things about Sonic 3! The levels, the music, the presentation, and how it feels like a complete experience. Sure some parts are hard sure but they are fair and you can play through a level again because now we have save files so that is an awesome improvement because well I don’t have to play the whole game again lol. I think one criticism I have with Sonic 3 is the chaos emeralds are still hard to get but hey who doesn’t like a good challenge? This was an absolute blast to play through though I have played it on my Gamecube next time however I will probably play AIR or Complete in the future if I wish to replay Sonic 3. What an amazing game!

No Way? No Way!


This is the collection I am using to play the classic Sonic games because I dislike the plan Sega has for Origins and Sega's controversial decisions with that collection in particular though I as of right now I haven't played it so I can't say if things are better now or not. Besides that and back to this collection in hand, this is a nostalgic game for me and I had this copy on my shelf since I was eight and I have to say that the music and emulation are really awesome and capture the genesis really well! Also, I think the museum is really cool and I remember watching the few movies in the collection and admittedly I watched the trailer for Sonic Adventure 2 Battle the most though I never got the chance to got it then, I now own it on PC however! :D

Back to the review though, One thing I could say negatively is I felt the way to unlock games like Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Ristar to be really strict for some odd reason but I won't dock points for it though I wish this collection was in the oven for a little longer for games like Sonic CD, SegaSonic, and Knuckles Chaotix.

Besides that this is an excellent collection and I really recommend that you play this collection over Origins even if Origins is newer.

The difference between Sonic 1 and 2 are clear as day and night. The progression of how levels were designed vastly improved and the controls feel a little better especially with the spindash which became a staple of Sonic ever since and honesty, I much prefer Sonic 2 over Sonic 1 any day. While I really enjoyed Sonic 2 over Sonic 1 I think the three last game zones in Sonic 2 are pretty tough and had me stuck for a while but all in all a solid game and I would probably recommend you start with this one over the first one. You know, now that I am thinking about it so far the early classic Sonic games kind of mirror how I feel about playing through classic Mega Man in a way. Does this mean I will really like Sonic 3? Is Sonic 3 better than what I remembered as a kid?

This was a rough start for the franchise sure in retrospect. However, I enjoyed the challenge of playing through this and I am so thrilled to say I finished Sonic the Hedgehog. I am so glad this game proved successful enough to spawn a franchise because we would never have gotten more music, story, and or characters from Sonic. And most importantly we would have never gotten Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games lmao.

Somehow one of the worst mascot kart racers I have ever played. No proper drifting mechanic and camera is locked on a certain view while driving making it very disorienting while making turns or even drifting but not like it matters because no matter what difficulty you put the CPUS are easy regardless. Avoid this game and it isn't even worth it if you like the smurfs or mascot kart racers. Besides, I believe the only original smurf of the game has voice acting. This game is frustrating and boring. There are much better kart racing games on the original Playstation than this one.

To start off, I don’t particularly know much or care about the source material and my friend bet me to beat the main mode; Championship Mode in under five days without losing credit. Despite my frustration over the game's mechanics and difficulty curve, I found the challenges in Championship mode to be hard enough to motivate me oddly but I guess that is just a me thing because I like a good retro challenge. Compared to other traditional racing games, this one is definitely not one so don’t poke your head into this one if you don’t like weird design decisions or don't like South Park. While the game has apparent flaws, I believe for an attempt to avoid being another Mario Kart is a unique approach you don’t really expect from an era where mascot kart racers were everywhere all mimicing the same game. I don’t think I will pick this game up again anytime soon but it is cool to unlock every single character I don’t know or care about lmao.

Okay, I am just wondering to myself why it took me this long to play Symphony of the Night? This is definitely the best Castlevania game and I can finally get the hype for SoTN. I played the previous Castlevanias on NES and never thought to play this one until now and I am glad I finally got to play it. The spritework, sound design, and art make me give this game a five out of five and I would easily give SoTN a ten out of ten if I could on Backloggd.

Awh yes, the game where the kids at the playground will always talk about back in the day. I remember when my friends and I would pee themselves at playthroughs of the game when my only fear was scary monsters and obscenely brutal and grotesque graphic depictions of video game characters. But, now my fear is losing my job.

Anyway, the objective is simple. Collect eight pages and maybe get jumpscared. Despite it being a game that pioneered modern horror games it isn't talked about much at all in recent years and is now an odd internet oddity. It is free to try out and play but more than likely you will watch a play through of it instead. As for I? Getting the last page is pretty hard without getting jumpscared. I guess it is just my excuses.

Yea, there is a way better game before this one that has a two instead of a three. Play that one instead okay?

Besides that I have nothing else to say, wow this game is complete ass.


Okay, to start this game has some effort put into it. Without a doubt the developer tried best they could with the resources provided to them to make a Yume Nikki fangame with the engine they had available to them. However, I won't dismiss that Yume 3kki isn’t very interesting or very fun to play and I hate to say it but the graphics are what ultimately make this game very unappealing to play with its dull and bland colors and simple design choices and the incredible slow natural walking speed and besides the four effects in this games there really is nothing else in this games besides two events and that is it. After experiencing everything this game has to offer there really isn’t nothing else that warrants another playthrough. This game had some serious shoes to fill if it called itself Yume 3kki because it went up against a massive collaborative effort which is Yume 2kki and the original that started it all Yume Nikki. Though, I hope the developer went on to do amazing things after 3kki because I see some potential in them as a developer.

Biggest Yume Nikki game you could ever play with Mariana Trench deep connections and thirty-six effects currently in the 0.120 update. You will love this game and you will definitely not feel sad after finishing and doing absolutely everything that Yume Nikki has to offer when you have more to explore here due to countless user made worlds and contributions. You will love it if you are a fan of Yume Nikki Fangames.

Short but an amazing experience for a Yume Nikki fangame especially with cool effects and having some of the best music in any YNFG by a single dev. I have nothing else to say right now because I am waiting for 0.04 update which is in development right now. Will come and update this review later once the new update releases.