Obtained: 26 || Badges: 8 || Resets: 5 || Lost: 2


1. Blanca's Miltank. I needed more training (Or luck)
2. Losing my Feraligator in a battle (Needed for HMs)
3. Yasmin. Fucking steel Pokémons

Lost: 1. Night (Gastly). Random Kadabra killed it ( ._.)
2. Fourier (Magneton), RIP in with Dragonite.

Rules: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Nuzlocke_Challenge

Really long tutorial + not really inmersive gameplay

It was good back in the day

Good story, but I feel the game design wasn't that much on point. I got stuck sometimes because I didn't break something 🤦