Just a pretty solid RPG all around, perhaps a bit tedious toward the end, but really, specially after COVID it feels like you're playing a recreation of the real world in a couple years. JC Denton is everything I aspire to be. blows up most advanced machinery in the planet "I was not properly trained in its operation."
Also, as fun trivia, this game's director made Epic Mickey a couple years later, highly recommend checking it out too!

I played it on an emulator so I had little to no performance issues, and honestly, I had as much fun as little kid me had with Diamond and the like all those years ago. The endgame area in particular is utterly phenomenal.

I don't know honestly... I liked the game itself but the story is just so utterly, completely hopeless... Like we don't have to consider just the game here, what about the message? What are you telling your players with that ending exactly?

One of the most beautiful visual novels I've ever read, you could be the coldest most dead inside mf around and this thing would still drive you to tears
Beato just like me fr minus the boobs

Ada & Leon's campaings while a bit subpar are decent, although Leon's kinda felt like I was playing L4D, Chris's is so-so, Jake's is pretty boring