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AngeVNs is now playing Guilty Gear: Strive

4 days ago

AngeVNs reviewed The King of Fighters XV
A barely passable modern fighting game experience. The actual gameplay and character variety are fun, it was nice learning the unique mechanics compared to other popular fighting games. The online gameplay when you can get in matches works well enough, seems to have workable rollback.

It's great the core gameplay is fun enough because... everything else is incredibly disappointing.

The single player options feel as limiting as fighting games from the early 2010s were... just Versus, Training, Character Combo Trials, and Arcade/Story that's it. Arcade/Story is incredibly disappointing. I get fighting games aren't expected to have a story but when the "story" mode cutscenes centers around the new characters regardless of which characters you pick is pretty dumb.

A minor nitpick is I'm really surprised SNK still haven't attempted an English dub for the characters. It made an already disappointing story mode even more disappointing.

I dunno if this is SNK thing but the character animations feel weirdly... kinda stiff and blocky? I dunno if they're trying to preserve older move animations. I don't mind this much personally but it feels kinda outta place for a game that release in the 2020s.

Apparently people complained about the actual matchmaking which is unfortunate since that's likely why this game isn't that popular online.

Hopefully KOF16 fixes the issues but SNK seems like a company that seems TOO willing to stick to its guns.

5 days ago

5 days ago

AngeVNs earned the Replay '14 badge

6 days ago

AngeVNs reviewed Final Fantasy X HD Remaster
Final Fantasy X was the first non-Mario JRPG I played, and love it to hell and back. I see it as the gold standard for JRPGs and figuring out other turn-based JRPGs, ESPECIALLY other Final Fantasies not having a battle system even closely similar to FFX's bummed me out.

The turn-based battle system mechanically is just perfect. True turn based (no lame ATB), characters having gameplay roles that can be edited later if you really want to break the game, Turn order constantly shown and can be changed based moves, and Summon spirits that are actually fun and engaging and not just boring MP hogging magic attacks.

People can be critical of the cast, especially Tidus and Wakka, but I liked all of them, even having their own unique engaging back story and/or development. They all felt like real people thrust in a depressing situation. Story in general was excellent from start to finish for me.

I didn't mind the "hallway" nature of the map design. I think world maps are just filler to make you feel like you're exploring when most times it's meant to make you feel lost till you find the right place. That said, I'm not super into random encounters, only real gameplay issue I have.

PS people who hate the English voice acting, Tidus included, are uncultured.

6 days ago

6 days ago

AngeVNs completed Melty Blood: Type Lumina
A decently fun fighting game. Far from my favorite to just pick up and mess around but as a Tsukihime fan it's nice to have a modernized fighting game with them.

The Shield/Moon gimmicks and the relative 'grounded' nature of this makes it more chill as an anime fighting game compared to the degenerate ArcSys games or even fellow French Bread Under Night series where everyone has almost full screen buttons.

That said the story mode is super plain, and it feels like there's Type Lumina is missing this real edge to make it truly stick out besides just having Tsukihime characters.

Will still play this overall the degenerate old school Melty Bloods though.

6 days ago

AngeVNs completed Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite
I can understand why people dislike this game, mostly for its lazy graphics and the Marvel cast being relegated to MCU characters (likely due to Disney Marvel enforcing this + Xmen rights at the time).

However, as someone who was never a big Marvel fan and great graphics not being a requirement to play a game (though they certainly help) I thought Marvel vs Capcom Infinte is actually the most fun gameplay wise of the MvC series.

I like the Infinity Stone system, the ability to switch characters mid-combo/mixup for some true shenanigans, and I think the Capcom side of the roster is just fine (was super happy Mega Man X was finally playable).

The story mode is cheesy af but I honestly kinda liked it. Just a lotta goofy dialogue and silly reasons for the Marvel and Capcom characters to interact. Will take it over the lack of actual story mode in previous MvC games.

However... why are the base DLC character prices so expensive???? I blame Disney Marvel.

6 days ago

AngeVNs completed Dragon Ball FighterZ
It's a shame what the devs did related to the balancing of newer DLC and length to add in rollback... Because this is probably still my overall favorite anime fighting game to date. It does admittedly help I'm a big Dragon Ball/Z/Super fan so I'm biased.

But I really like how this is Marvel vs. Capcom 3 inspired tag fighting game gameplay but with the ArcSys touch to make this game imo MUCH more fun than MvC ever was.

Sure there are not too many actual fighting game archetype variety, but when you consider the context of DBZ's setting and makes sense there is a relative uniformity of how characters play. I still think there's plenty of variety in tuns of move animations, fan service, and detailed minute character differences to make teams stick out.

It does help the A/B/C Assist thing helped big time. I also think Sparking is much better than Xfactor or any team-based comeback mechanic.

6 days ago

AngeVNs retired BlazBlue: Central Fiction
I initially got into the Blazblue series because I thought it would be a relatively easy start to get into the anime fighting game genre. Boy was I wrong about the difficulty. Thankfully the series is insanely fun to make up.

The Drive system is a great way to give characters unique gimmicks. The mechanics are pretty rich, detailed AND fast-paced. It does lead to "degenerate" characters who can take advantage of systems better, but the fact most characters can compete fine shows how great Blazblue CF meta ended after all the balance patches were done.

The single player content is pretty rich with a story, training, and a bunch of side modes. The actual story narrative is way too complex for its own good but is thankfully carried by the character interactions and voice acting. Helps I'm a visual novel fan so didn't mind all the text.

ArcSys adding rollback for godsend for competition. When I was addicted to this game in the late 2010s I had to deal with inconsistent delay.

6 days ago

AngeVNs completed VVVVVV
To me, I will always consider this the true pioneer of indie gaming.

Really simple but fun and challenging levels and controls. A pseudo platformer/puzzle game that only needs one button and left right has no right being this addicting.

6 days ago

AngeVNs completed Sonic Generations
I would say I overall like Generations, but it has too many flaws for me to consider it one of the best Sonic games like some people do.

While this is overall probably the best 3D Speed Boost Sonic levels to date, I still overall consider them much less fun and replayable than the Adventure era 3D gameplay.

I'm just not a fan of holding up/right + boosting for periods at a time compared to just regular running, spin dashing. Also I've always thought the Boost Sonic gameplay has mediocre platforming at best. Also boss fights are not fun with this gameplay.

That said this game is fanservice done right, with great previous game callbacks and soundtrack remixes.

It's a shame Sonic went back to immediate poop for the rest of his career after this.

6 days ago

AngeVNs completed Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
There's a reason many people consider this one of, if not THE best Sonic game.

The actual good gameplay mechanics in Adventure 1 were brought back and fleshed out better (though I do miss Spin Dash spamming for Speed levels).

This is overall easily the best Sonic game story ever.

The rank system is an actual fair and rewarding challenge (most rankings in Sonic games are too easy)

I'm not always in the mood for Shooting/Emerald Hunting but thankfully replaying individual levels makes it so I dont always have to do em.

6 days ago

AngeVNs completed Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut
Played this way back in the Gamecube era. While not as top tier as some other Sonic games, I think Adventure 1 is somewhat underrated.

The fact that the playable characters are separated in the story is quite unique that's sadly not used much in most 3D Sonic games that force you to play multiple characters in the same playthrough.

If I want to JUST play Sonic in the story I can do just that. Sonic's mechanics feel more like his 2D Genesis mechanics almost copy pasted in 3D form, and imo, more fun due to things like constant Spin Dash spamming for more speed. Sonic games are at its best when I feel compelled to just randomly replay them and Sonic's levels are great for that.

The other playable characters are more hit or miss but are generally fun. I don't HATE Big's levels but the person who thought this was a good idea in a Sonic game was probably high.

Story is fun, set a good standard that was followed for 5-7 3D games before Colors ruined how Sonic stories would be told.

Voice Acting obviously isn't the best but it has that "old school campy" feel that I kinda miss compared to the overly technically professional sound these days.

6 days ago

AngeVNs is now playing Half-Life

6 days ago

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