April, 2024



33h 52m


HUZZAH real gaming is back. Amazing finale. Had a few minor issues with the boss but overall great stuff. Great climax.

Actual ending left me rather confused however, not in the "left wanting to know more" sense, more like "uh, okay" sense.

Fantastic game overall.





Finished Tower of Silence, good level, didn't blow me away but the atmosphere and grappling platforming was fun enough.

Also beat King Darius, peak....
Love how it demands aerial maneuverability to evade and exploit his moveset. Great integration of platforming mechanics for a boss.



Finished Tower of Silence, good level, didn't blow me away but the atmosphere and grappling platforming was fun enough.

Also beat King Darius, peak....
Love how it demands aerial maneuverability to evade and exploit his moveset. Great integration of platforming mechanics for a boss.




29h 53m

Beat Orod and Vahram. Kino....




23h 13m

Gyeahf just beat Menolias. Pretty good boss, I liked the balance between caution and aggression, pretty different from the rest where it encourages proactivity. The arrow rain and the stars attack are butts though, especially on the later phases where the stars fill the whole screen and it's very frustrating to dodge his massive arrows.


March, 2024