Really charming but frustrating mechanics pop up everywhere, such as respawn points being a major pain in the ass, not to mention the multi-player function in this game is abysmal. The Switch version has a crazy problem with chugging and crashed a lot for me near the start of the game. But still an enjoyable experience overall.

Whilst this game introduces a ton of new concepts, that upon viewing seem interesting and a fun way to spice things up - the realisation slowly sets in that the way these are executed are more tedious than enjoyable. This is in part due to the recurring bugs that plague each level, to no fault of the developers, thanks to this game being rushed out by Activision. But as a whole I question why some of these earlier levels feel so much harder than those that appear nearer to the end game. I can't say I was terribly stuck on each, but having to constantly look up solutions to beating these areas which usually result in having to play in a different manner to what was supposedly intended, and constantly changing framerates in hope that this will miraculously solve the dilemma you are facing, feels more effort than what it's worth.

Despite all this though, I did push through, this game still has the charm of the two that proceeded it, but its flaws just hold it back from being a well-rounded experience, and it's something I don't think I'd visit again.

Will never forget being trapped in a GMod theatre server, with 2Guys1Horse being played on the big screen whilst 2 guys blocked the exit door

It's like osu! mania but with a pay-wall

This game can easily take all of my money from me, with a stunning line-up of some of the greatest K-Pop title tracks from the mid 2010's, there's always room for me to have another go and not get bored.