Resource management? Check! Spooky monsters? Check! A late game revolver? Check! Old school survival-horror fans owe it to themselves to check-out this game. It's not the spookiest, not the deepest, but it IS some of the best survival-horror gameplay this side of Y2K.

Outer Wilds is a lite-space-flight sim all about exploration and acquiring the knowledge of a long dead civilization, taking place in a solar system on the brink of disaster. Simultaneously this game feels chaotic, serene, cartoonish, and somber. The writing is pretty decent, but surprisingly the story works regardless of where you decide to go first. I believe that's because the setting is very well-realized by the developers, even the small details feel relevant to the story at large. The puzzles are fun to solve, with plenty of "ah-ha!" moments to make them memorable. For me, this is the platonic ideal of what the modern adventure game should be.