So wild that the best virtual boy game was never even released on original hardware. emulate this on retroarch and enable the glasses-free 3d effect for the full experience.

A great Wario game hiding on a migraine simulator.

You could play this game with a pen in 1980.
That's right, DS ripped off the vectrex. (I've never played this with the pen lmao I emulated the Vectrex library and was lucky enough to play a real model all of once in my life.)

neat idea. near impossible to fucking play lmao.
still this was kinda cool on its home turf.

One of the best games on vectrex.
It can be hard to understand these days how much value there was in games this simple and 'complete' in how they function.

There are a SHOCKING number of first/second gen games that fuck about WAY too much. Classic high-score fun that could actually be enjoyed more than once was SUPER valuable in these early days.

My best friend growing up had his bar mitzvah at an arcade that had this game. we beat it in one sitting. very fun.

So damn addicting, Every puzzle is just NEURON ACTIVATION.
So many games I've never played but know by their vibe.
TRUST YOUR FUCKING INSTINCTS. I've failed so many cause I just didn't guess the 'complete stretch' that was totally right all along.

go get addicted.

Absolute classic.
A wonderful time capsule of 2005 internet humor wrapped inside a parody of Megaman and other early JP games that got poorly translated US releases.

Genuinely good gameplay, wicked hard tho.

Check it out these days and there's a new mode with more reasonable checkpoints etc... if you can get it to play after the death of flash.

A game that you can only play once... sort of, the tech behind it wasn't THAT clever but it tried.

An abstract representation of a fairly literal story. It isn't the deepest but the idea is there.

Life has one chance, choices matter.
The story used to frame that here is extremely melodramatic but for a 2010 indie flash game. it does its job. Play it once, takes a few minutes.


one of those goofy games that gets 1-starred on purpose because it's so-bad-its-good.

That said this is a masterpiece by games professor Bennet Foddy, now better known for Getting Over It.
He has an interesting philosophy on games and their ability to make people feel specific emotions... mostly pain.

Check out his website, he's an incredible guy with some super cool perspective on gaming.

Y'all DO NOT understand how important this game was to the middle school computer lab circa 08-09.

Apparently the name was not indication enough that this game is impossible.

yes it's actually just a memorization game since the questions have no logic but this game was one the ORIGINAL memes.

Introduced me to the flaming lips and heavily influenced my personality. great game.

I bought this on Switch and it was unplayable. How was this allowed?

was left with a sour taste and refused to re-purchase it on a proper platform. I will eventually play it and review properly.

You got this game in a cereal box on a disc that was a weird shape... why was it a weird shape???