This a game for people MUCH smarter than me.

It's insanely smart, and insanely creative.

One of the most unique and powerful puzzle games of the decade. If you're into hardcore puzzle games, play this game.

Imma go back and actually finish this but man do I have a bizarre history with this game.

I had this as a kid and it was one of the first games I EVER owned. I played it a ton when I was too young to really understand it all. I got to the part where you have to get the fish to swim down in the giant net and COULD NOT get passed it.

I'd get pretty far over and over but never beat it so when I finally got to that part I thought "I'm at the end, I have to finish it now" but it was late so my parents wanted me to go to bed.

Long story short I made them leave the computer on so I could finally finish it tomorrow and the computer broke overnight.

They didn't trust me with computers for the next twenty years.

This is the Pajama sam I grew up with.

SO MANY memorable characters.

Adorable game, everything you click comes to life.

play even if you didn't grow up with it. genuinely cute little game.

randomizes on replay so you can give it more than one whirl.

Second verse same as the first.

Adorable game, everything you click comes to life.

play even if you didn't grow up with it. genuinely cute little game.

randomizes on replay so you can give it more than one whirl.

OH BABY these adorable little games.

I grew up with the 3rd one for some reason and only played this one as an adult when they first got ported to ios.

These games are adorable. Tiny point-and-click adventures full of cutesy characters.
The story s straight forward, you'll beat it in one sitting. These were meant to teach insanely simple lessons to kids on the PC.

Should you play these as an adult? absolutely.
It's more than just nostalgia. these games have so much charm.

Everything you click comes to life in fun ways, it's such a treat to just boot these up and click around.

They randomize a bunch so it's worth replaying as well.

A bit lacking in content but at its core it's some of the best soulcalibur gameplay in the series with an excellent cast.

I'm not going to claim it's somehow the best soulcalibur but I played an ungodly amount of this game and it's easily my favorite.

Emulates beautifully at 4x resolution, so it can enjoyed in crisp HD on just about any platform.

Such a fun little game,
takes the nostalgia of the show and brings it to life.

Such a cool concept.
Incredibly neat to play on PSP.
blew me away as a kid, played well as an adult.

Tragically mistreated little work of pure art.

Ok it's not the literal coolest thing ever but it is absolutely well made.

In a daring turn for such a major studio they made some indie-style puzzle poetry for a DLC instead of more straight forward content.

The desmond's journey puzzles are more overt but these still retain the visual storytelling and clever sound design that made these so compelling to me.

The twist was delivered strangely but makes sense.

the ending is heart-wrenching if you can be bothered to do the tedious collectibles for it.

TL:DR give this a try with an open mind, it's honestly pretty moving.

I'm not a JRPG guy but this game is everything they say it is. So damn fun and doofy.

I've technically played on atari, but the system I know this from is McDonalds LCD toy LMAO.

This was so addictive for like 3 weeks till I lost it.

It has to be said that this game was one of the first things you could own in your home that was genuinely fun to play by yourself.

This game has been remade across almost every era of gaming and remains decently fun.

I CAN NOT be the only person that played this game.

This incredibly random little AC game consists of a 2d top-down pvp multiplayer. it takes the idea of the MP from the Ezio era and works it into an arcadey sneak-em-up pvp.
Bizarrely addictive.
Played this so much on my iPod touch.