This is genuinely the best of the java titles.

If you've heard of these and gotten curious, play this one.

Honestly slaps.

played this on my Motorola razr in 2018

Actual masterpiece.
I played this on my Motorola razor while on a teen tour across New Zealand at 19.

These games really were the prime example of any-port-in-a-storm but when the rain starts raging you realize how much love and care actually went into these games.

fuggin turn based doom, whodda thunk it

This might have been the real source of my dinky-sideport obsession.
This game is UNBELIEVABLY DEEP (see what i did there) for a stupid-ass mobile port.

Funnily enough I've slightly turned on the 'real' BioShock over the years, but this dumbass game. pure gold.

So what's actually here: Bioshock 2d is a top-down crpg in the vein of fallout 1.The game recreates nearly all the core mechanics of BioShock in this perspective down to the non-linear level design, unlocks, hacking minigame, and multifaceted combat system.
It manages only a few levels of this before abruptly ending, with dreams of more 'episodes' you're even given a code that presumably would've allowed you to carry your inventory into the next game.
it's fun, for the 50 minutes you'll be playing it, but I'm slightly more fascinated by the potential here. It's no Doom RPG but it's arguably more ambitious.
I can see why people might think games like this were cynical derivatives of popular franchises but I have to disagree. there's so much actually going on here that it makes me want to experience the entire game as a top-down demake.

This can be emulated without too much trouble on j2me, the bindings are a bit all over the place but it's manageable. I highly recommend giving it a shot to see one of the most fascinating dead ends of gaming history.

Not as good as renegade imo but still very fun

How is this possible on the PSP?
no, seriously I want to fucking know.

Edit: the PSP version lacks a lot of the presentation and sound design of the original, it also has different racing physics.
I've heard people swear they find the PSP's physics more realistic but idk. The original is obviously better, still, it works on PSP. if you're a PSP nerd it's probably worth trying out there. I'd say play both but most people aren't wannabe video game archivists like me.

I just love franchises that did the wildly different ports on EVERY platform they could get their fucking hands on.

This one isn't even slightly the sims, it's a whole ass RPG like the GBA versions.

Fucking banger

I swear the twelve people that have actually played this game all have a weirdly personal story about it. We all out here playing this trash RPG like it saved our dad from the war.

It is a crime that this is legally allowed to be called r-type

budokai gameplay on psp.
what is it with bamco and releasing these things all weird in a million random version across the US and JP with different names. THEY'RE ALL THE SAME FUCKING GAME FFS

Cool game, if you've played the bamco Naruto fighters, it's basically that.

No i get it, you were 'too cool' for monkeyball