This was my favorite zelda to pick up and not finish :)

idk man I can't finish these fucking games, but they sure feel neat.

This is my favorite mario kart.
is it better than 8? no it's the same game but slightly worse...
it's on a handheld in 3d... I mean cmon.

how- pray tell- the FUCK DO PEOPLE PLAY THIS.


I think I secretly want this to be my favorite r-type, it's so quirky.
but tbh, the arcade original is just so much more iconic.

that said, if you like r-type, play this game. it's so fucking good.

It's actually really cool.

I mean it's not 'real mans' r-type. but it's super fun.

so you made the hardest arcade game of its era, what now?

a sequel whos difficulty is referred to as 'morally reprehensible' :)

I think this game somehow violates the geneva conventions

As a kid I was given a copy of this game by a family friend, he had a save file on the final boss. I grinded my face against that battle for YEARS and never beat it.

as an adult I thrashed this game on the funkeyS, turns out my kid self was screwed from the start, didn't know half the mechanics lol.

Why did I have this game???

The concept works even if it is shallow even for gameboy.
it's a kingdom hearts game so don't expect it to make any fucking sense, but something about it is somehow charming.
almost in spite of itself this game is good.

Some of the best arcade classics to play for a few minutes.
One of the easiest pick-up-and-play games on the handheld.
Felt like such great value in my tiny collection as a kid.

Sadly the most overlooked and underrated mario spinoff.

I've gone back to this game so many times over the years.
The pinball can be wonky but it works when you get used to it.
The adventure of it all is a strangely unique concept. A few random games on older systems attempted the adventure pinball concept but this was the first mainstream attempt at nailing it down, and one of the very last.

Still an extremely unique idea that MORE than deserves a remake.

I've always wanted to get it... but I don't.
the PSP one was the closest I came to liking a tactics game, this was the furthest.

Super circuit isn't a game you play, it's a game you contract.
It's an upgraded super mario kart... good for it?

I mean if you have literally nothing better to do with your gameboy on a long car ride in the back seat it's the best mario kart. but it's 2023, play literally anything else.

I'll never understand how rockstar got such impressive ports onto the PSP. There's SO MUCH to this game.
heck of an expansive beat-em-up.