I'll never understand how rockstar got such impressive ports onto the PSP. There's SO MUCH to this game.
heck of an expansive beat-em-up.

More of the game I already loved. zero complaints as a kid.

I legit did not know people disliked this game. I thought it was awesome.

Crying shame it's never been ported anywhere.

I tried SO hard to be good at this game as a kid. it's a fucking wonder my parents didn't know I was gay.

best game ever for 2 hours then gone forever... very sad

Jacked off the wii remote so hard against my best friend to this game. great times.

I really liked this game as a kid and was TODAY YEARS OLD WHEN I LEARNED UBISOFT PUBLISHED IT

So weird to play this after 5000 hours of warframe

This was all I had on Xbone and I loved it.