it's still good but it lacks the charm of the old ones.

When I first learned about this game I thought it was the fourth in a legacy fighting series, BOY WAS I SURPRISED.

Also it's really fun.

I used to BEG my parents for quarters every time I saw this cab.

I made my 7-year-old cousin cry by doing a 127-hit combo.
highly recommend.

One of my all-time favorite fighting games.


Hardcore pinball fans are gonna tell you this game sucks, they're probably right but like...
if like me you just like pinball casually and have played more virtual pinball than real pinball in your life.

this game slaps
its so much fun
so many unique and interesting tables.

It's definitely a great game it just wasn't for me. My friends LOVED it and made me play with them. I won't rate it as low as it actually feels to me because I can see why other people like it.

This was the only GTA I played as a kid cus i was a PSP nerd.
Honestly every bit as fun to me.

This was a masterpiece when I was 12 leave me alone

This game had an AURA for me when I used to see it in the arcades. something really magical. I sucked at it.
beat it on an emulator as an adult. genuinely solid but obviously it was never going to live up to the strange dreams of my 8 year old self.

how in the hell this game works so damn well on the ds is beyond me.
loses some of the overworld vibes of the OG but the gameplay is still everything it was on the GC

This game slaps.
more people need to be talking about this game and the criminal fact it never got a sequel outside the ds (which also slaps)

Whoever managed to get this thing brought back in HD on the vita, I owe you a debt that cannot be ever be repayed.