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aeugchad finished Corpse Party
The definitive way of experiencing the first (post-reboot) Corpse Party game, for sure. If you're looking to get into the series, you can and should start here. Definitely not a series for everyone, but one I've personally grown quite fond of.

1 day ago

aeugchad finished Corpse Party: Sweet Sachiko's Hysteric Birthday Bash
If you aren't a fan of Corpse Party or don't care about the characters, there's really nothing for you here. For someone like me, who played through every other Corpse Party game, including '98 and Zero, this was a real treat. A great palette cleanser after the disappointment that was Blood Drive.

5 days ago

aeugchad earned the Replay '14 badge

6 days ago

aeugchad finished A Way Out
Is it Oscar-worthy? Not even close. But it's genuinely such a fun time playing through this with a good friend. It's like a co-op Heavy Rain, in the best way possible.

8 days ago

aeugchad finished Dusk
A great game, definitely deserves the hype. Not my favorite of Szymanski's works, but a good one for sure. Recommended.

9 days ago

aeugchad commented on KyuCel's review of Dusk
DUSK is set in Pennsylvania

9 days ago

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