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RyanRastgar completed SuperHot
Most innovative shooter I've played in years. Scratches that itch for a simple game that plays very well. Fast and fun. No flaws.

8 days ago

RyanRastgar shelved Fallout 4
I get people's criticisms of this game. 100% I do. But no one makes an Immersive RPG like Bethesda. For several weeks last Summer I spent every waking moment either thinking about or playing Fallout. Cannot wait to go back to the DLC and Next-Gen Update. Waiting until I have a week of my life that I don't need.

8 days ago

RyanRastgar reviewed Destiny 2
Somebody please make me stop playing Destiny.

8 days ago

RyanRastgar is now playing Destiny 2

8 days ago

RyanRastgar reviewed Hades II
So far this game is completely and totally better than Hades. Though undeniably unfinished. Hades was a game that never made a bad design choice. Hades II makes a few. Supergiant has already addressed a lot of them through patches. And they're just getting started. I'm not worried.

8 days ago

RyanRastgar is now playing Hades II

8 days ago

RyanRastgar completed Disco Elysium: The Final Cut
I learned a lot about myself from this game. It is an RPG that has meaning no matter how you play it. Every choice truly matters, not because of branching storylines, but because of people and emotions. The game is surprisingly linear for how many choices you can make, but that's probably pretty realistic. Albeit depressing. Much of this game is genuinely incredible writing. Lots of it is truly funny. Everything carries weight. Nothing will ever again be this Disco.

8 days ago

RyanRastgar shelved Jusant
As a climber, I don't like Jusant. I feel that this game is less about climbing than lots of other games. It's more about... Nature? It's a game full of wonder and curiosity, but neither of those things lend themselves to engaging mechanics. Jusant doesn't have those. It has light puzzle elements and gameplay that can literally be accomplished with your eyes closed half the time. Maybe just not my thing.

8 days ago

RyanRastgar completed Hotline Miami
Playing Hotline Miami probably feels like a double feature of John Wick and Schindler's List while drugged out of your mind. That's a good thing. The game evokes an emotion that nothing else has every procured for me, and nothing probably will.

8 days ago

RyanRastgar completed Hades
Mechanically perfect. On a sheer design level it is both monumentally impressive and incredibly interesting. Thousands of design choices come together to create a perfect game. The phenomenal art, music, and narrative structure are just icing on the cake.

8 days ago

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