How the hell was Taito able to merge a DDR game with Space Invaders gameplay, and in a goddamn Nintendo DS of all places

Pretty standard Visual Novel of those times, good selection of characters, music super catchy tho, I liked every girl except Yumi and Misako, Mayumi and Mikae were my favorites!

Simple plot, you're a new player in an online dungeon crawler with the same name as the title of this game, you're joined by 3 other people on your game, a doctor, a bike gang leader and a shy girl, suddenly, you and your teammates are teleported to a completely new world which is unbelievable at first, not so long you and your team find a little girl which is the central point of the plot and with no other options, you choose to help her escape the dungeon where she is trapped.

I gotta say, this game really made me want to protect a character like my life depended of it, something that only Ico achieved years back.

Gameplay is quite simple in terms of builds and that stuff, it's pretty much a rock paper scissors with colors and speed based turns, everyone have own HP bars, including the little girl, she can also die, you don't want her dying, believe me, that was no fun to watch.

One of my favorite 3DS titles, too bad it didn't came to America.

Pretty good start for this spin-off series, good combat, interesting gimmicks on bosses, good story and good amount of secrets.

Even after finishing the game, even after all those 20 hours... I can still hear the fucking babies cry so LOUD.

(Could you guys imagine if AlphaDream actually remaked this instead of Bowser Inside Story which didn't needed it? LMFAO)

Second part of the ''Third era'' of Touhou Project, this time Reimu and Marisa have to investigate incidents regarding spirits coming out of a geyser by going to the depths of the very hell itself.

This is my favorite Touhou Project game not counting spin-offs or fangames, gameplay is derivated from Mountain of Faith with 3 shots among the 2 playable characters but with the twist that we are gonna be having an specific partner which changes dialogues against bosses, endings and also changes the patterns against the Stage 4 boss.

Music is so on point, I could say this is my second favorite music in the entire series (Barely beaten by Imperishable Night) Stages 2 and 4 soundtrack are so good.

This is also my favorite cast in the entire series, from Yamame to Okuu and Orin, some youkais have actually really interesting backstory, specially Parsee and Satori.

Oh yeah, and this game is actually a sequel to Mountain of Faith, in the EXTRA stage you get more details on this :)

Tho, this game is also one of the most punishing and hardest in the entire series, I think it took me at least 20 game overs to get that sweet 1cc on Normal, feel no remorse to play this game on Easy.

This game starts really hard, having kids as main characters makes the things even better, we do not get EXP, there are no permadeaths but they can die under certain events in the story.

Music is good but not perfect, could be better, art is very nice for the time.

Sadly, this game suffers of the same issue as the other RPG Horror games, depression and all that shit, this one kinda takes it pretty well compared to other works but, maybe it was me but the message of depression of this main antagonist wasn't so powerful compared to the Aya kid.

Getting the TRUE END on this game is not a chore but it's trial and error and since you can save wherever you want you can just repeat if a child dies because of your mistakes.

Overall a pretty good game despite it's very few flaws but still a nice distraction if you want to sit 3 hours on a game at most.

Funny short and wholesome game about a maid cleaning an appartament complex with a lot of funny minigames, cute costumes and a very nice art, also, god is a french duck and your employer has a crossdressing fetish.

Count on how many tries to 1cc: 5
Character used: Reimu

What a dissapointment for the first entry in the ''Fourth Era'' of Touhou Project, super easy game even on hard, the spirit gimmick is lame as hell, getting rid of shot options in turn to give BOTH shots to each character was not a good idea in my opinion.

Music was pretty good most of the part, and the cast was... Well, not my favorite but there are cool characters among them even the return of playable Youmu with a new combo slash weird thingy.

Total count for 1cc on Normal: 9
Character used: Reimu A

After the fiasco we got on Ten Desires, ZUN delivers us a fucking good game for once.

Double Dealing Character, second game of the Fourth Era of Touhou Project, this time, our girls are noticing that Youkai and even non-sentinent tools are acting weird and causing havok so they go to investigate this new incident.

We have 3 characters this time: Reimu, Marisa and Sakuya, each one with 2 shoot options, enchanted tool and non-tool, similar to Ten Desires we have an unfocused shot which is shared between the shoot types and a focused shot which is different depending if we are playing with the enchanted tool or not.

The other gimmick introduced is regarding the Border Line item collect, depending on how many items we get in one go, we get bomb pieces and life pieces repeating at a cycle of five times.

This is a personal favorite and a pretty good game despite some patterns being kinda bullshit (Kagerou and Seija) and also is one of the buggiest games in the entire series, Sakuya A can kill bosses on their spellcard preparation time and Reimu A can do ABSURD amounts of damage sometimes.

Number of tries Normal 1cc: 36
Character used: Reisen

So... Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, third game of the ''Fourth Era'' of Touhou Project, mostly well known for its ABSURD difficulty, anyways.

This time we have 4 playable characters: Reimu, Marisa, Sanae and ...Reisen?

This game's plot is actually pretty good, not on the level of Imperishable Night or Subterranean Animism but still a pretty good one, Lunarians from the very moon are invading Gensokyo in an attempt to... ''Purify'' it so they can live in there, Eirin calls our heroines and gives them a drug which makes them able to rewind time if they are badly hurt or they make a mistake.

We have new gimmicks and a TON of those are new, we have 2 game modes: Point Device mode and Legacy mode, sections on every stage are divided by ''chapters'' so are spellcards, why does this matter in the first place? Point Device is pretty much force you to play a literally no-miss run, except we have the power to rewind time every time we complete a ''chapter'' we do not get life pieces by any means so our only means to defend ourselves if something goes wrong is deathbombing, we also get a ton oh spell pieces.

Legacy mode is the original way to play Touhou, we get a ton of life pieces and almost no spellcard pieces.

Not a personal favorite if im being really honest, this game was designed with the Point Device mode in mind rather than Legacy mode, it's absurd patterns on certain bosses (Yes, Clownpiece and Junko) are one of the most gimmicky trash I had to deal with in any danmaku.

Music was actually super good, better than the DDC soundtrack and Ten Desires.

I wouldn't tell anyone to start the franchise on this game, rather, they could just skip it OR leave it for the last, it captures the taste of the OLD SCHOOL games of the genre tho i'll give it that.

Number of tries Normal 1cc: ...1 (Yeah, I beated this at the very first try, died a few times tho)

Character used: Youmu + Wolf

Fifth game of the ''Fourth era'' of Touhou Project, an excellent Touhou game, ZUN really nailed it with this one in everything, music, cast, plot and even the main villain.

We have the revamped UFO gimmick from Undefined Fantastic Object with the partner gimmick of Subterranean Animism and the double shot gimmick of Ten Desires, and it was so good how good it all merges together on this one.

Plot is... Kinda like a Yakuza war with personified animals and a Pegasus thrown in there, cool one tbh.

Music is something different but still retains the style that ZUN is well known for.

The only complain that I have about this game is that it has poor visibility problems on certain stages, specially Stage 5 and 6, I died 2 times on Stage 6 for bullets that I assured didn't touched me, too bad, It would've been a perfect game otherwise.

The best game to play on New Year's Eve, the final race happens in December 31, 1999

Me the first time I saw this game: oh, cute girls doing cute things, a wholesome game.


A big surprise coming from the guys that made Touhou Luna Nights, this game is based on a REALLY OLD franchise by the name of Lodoss, in a lore-wise point of view, this game occurs years later after Deedlit finished her adventures with her group and it shows when we play this game.

This game is a metroidvania with the Ikaruga bullet absorption gimmick and some puzzles using arrows and ricochets, I felt it a bit longer than Luna Nights and harder than it, especially on the final boss.

Don't come looking for big lore on this game because it's not gonna be a lot to cover up, again, this game's main focus is Deedlit and Deedlit alone, take that into account if you're a fan of lodoss.