This might be my worst take.

Metroid Prime: Hunters is my favourite Metroid game. Please god hear me out before you beat me to death with hammers.

This was the first game I got with my original DS in 2006 and by virtue of growing up in a situation with not a huge amount of money I learned to make games last. I played more Metroid Prime: Hunters than any kid should ever.

Prior to Hunters, I had played nearly every previous entry in the Metroid franchise, including the NES game ported to GBA, but not the Prime games as I did not get a GameCube until later on.

What blew me away about this game was the Nintendo DS single-card multiplayer. I had a big group of friends, all with a DS, so for us to sit around playing the handheld equivalent of a LAN party in 2006 was mind-blowing to my child brain. The online play via the DS WiFi adapter was also one of my first online experiences and I will never forget being shit-talked by someone via the god-awful microphone on the DS.

The game itself isn't really anything special, it's a first person shooter on the DS that would cripple my big, old hands now, to move and aim in this game takes the dexterity of a bomb defusal specialist. However it is fun, there is nice variety to the Hunters you can play as and there are weapon pickups scattered across the maps. I think the developers took a big inspiration from Quake when designing this.

If I played it today for the first time I would probably laugh this off but I am 100% letting my nostalgia goggles stay glued on my face for this one.

Reviewed on Jun 30, 2024


3 days ago

Why would you get hammered to death lol? That honor is only reserved for fans of Other M xDDD

3 days ago

@RedBackLoggd good point, atleast I am not as much of a lost cause as those people lmao

3 days ago


3 days ago

Jokes aside, the concept of Hunters seemed pretty cool. I take it it doesn't quite live up to that?

3 days ago

@RedBackLoggd The story mode is definitely lackluster, I played through it a few times and it really doesn't compete with any other 3D game in the series. The multiplayer is very fun however and there is a lot of creativity. It's a bit like a hero shooter before hero shooters each character has their own primary weapon, passive ability and morph-ball equivalent. I wouldn't encourage anyone to necessarily seek this game out if you've never played it but it's a fun reminder of early FPS games on the DS.

3 days ago

Ah copy, so it's not necessary for understanding MP2?

3 days ago

Not at all!
Coincidentally however if you've seen the trailer for MP4 and you saw Sylux, the blue armoured guy with green streaks, he originates from this game. So Hunters is now lore relevant for the first time in its existence! Hooray!

3 days ago

Wow, that's actually really cool - happy Nintendo is doing a bit of a throwback in that regard.

It's funny you mention the DS microphone in this review - I remember, it was either a Mario Party game or Nintendogs, that had a minigame where you were supposed to blow out the candles on this cake, and the mic was what simulated that haha.
goddamn congrats for being the only person that has this as their favorite metroid game lmao. i too, have put so many unspoken hours into this game, but for me it was always with the npc 💀 i didnt have any friends

3 days ago

@imshitting420 There are dozens of us! Dozens!

19 hrs ago

I understand the vision