Game: Hey to progress you need to do this bad thing
does the thing

In all honesty, a wonderful game that has made a decent enough impact that it still has discourse over its story nearly 15 years later.

The core gameplay is what I would describe as servicible. The guns work, the grenades work, your squadmates work sometimes. I like the setting a lot though, for a game from the era of brown and bloom shooters atleast this version of brown and bloom has a compelling context and some varied environmental ideas.

You play this game for the story above all else which is compelling, even disregarding the discussions around THAT scene if you take it at face value.

When I first played this game on 360 back in 2013 I think I came away from it happy after beating it. It was only following subsequent playthroughs and enduring years of "underrated gem?!" and "wtf why should I feel bad" discourse that perhaps my subconscious paid more attention to the story. It is still good in my eyes, I think the game does a great job with its writing when people get genuinely angry about the decisions made in game and they feel they can't separate themselves from the main character.

I am glad Yager never made a sequel, it doesn't need one.

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2024

1 Comment

I agree that people overcriticized the gameplay and that it says something that this game is still talked about years later. Unfortunately, I thought it failed on the storytelling front and honestly believe the MW reboot tackled its themes better (though it is a shame we haven't gotten more games like them since).