Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

13 days

Last played

June 6, 2024

First played

November 3, 2023

Platforms Played


(finally setting down the switch after playing fashion dreamer from 12am-5am nonstop) It's just ok.

ok, for my serious initial impression: don't expect style savvy from this. the npcs are static and don't really have anything going for them, and there's no story at all. your job this time around is a "virtual influencer" or something like that. except it's not even a job because all you're doing is dressing people up, liking their clothes in order to add them to your own closet, and gaining followers. in fact, the game progression surrounds just that-- gaining followers. and it's not like gaining followers is particularly difficult, either. when you make an outfit, you either get some followers or a lot of them. you can make the most atrocious thing for an npc that doesn't suit their request at all and they'll be like "wow! i love the colors! how strange. good thing i love strange!" and you still win

i do think that if i came in with no style savvy expectations, i'd probably have liked it. in fact, i even think if you came in just for a Dress-Up Game (and only a dress-up game), then you'd love it! the graphics are beautiful and the clothes are everywhere between cute and gorgeous. the character you make is cute, the npcs are cute, everything is cute. in online play mode, you can even dress up other players + see the outfits they designed. you can even receive outfits from them too, which is always nice! in the end though, it just comes down to being a mindless fashion game (that feels like a small upgrade to one of those mobile ones) to play idly for... $45? $50?

another grievance i had was the body type locked clothing. they made sure to define the types as A and B as opposed to "male" and "female" but the clothing was still locked in the same way you'd expect from other games and their gender (?) locking. it was... disappointing. i understand that it's likely to do with trying to adjust clothes to both models but it didn't make me feel any less disappointed about it LOL

that being said, i did wind up coming back to it on and off after my initial 5 hours straight out from launch! so it's not the worst game ever. in fact, since my expectations have been so thoroughly crushed, maybe i'll be able to force myself into loving it for what it is so i don't feel like my money was wasted

EDIT: i couldn't force myself to love it BUT i let my youngest cousin use my switch and i taught him how to play this game since he recently became comfortable with reading. he was able to sit down and play it for around 2-3 hours straight which means my money DID go somewhere thank god