Ranking "God of War-Like/DMC-Like"

I've always found the terms "This ʙʟᴀɴᴋ is a clone of ʙʟᴀɴᴋ" to be very stupid and sometimes very arbitrary in terms of what is and isn't a "clone", but I feel like in the case of some games, they take the overall feel and gameplay style of games prevalent of the time but don't make it their own style of gameplay; it feels like that just copy and pasted it but didn't give it that much thought or even cared all that much.
In the 80's and 90s it was mascot platformers, in the early to mid-2000s it was God of War-Like/DMC-Like and third-person cover-based shooters, in the early to mid-2010s it was open world games.

I hope you understand what I'm saying because I'm not trying to be a gatekeeper or elitist because yes I know GOW can also be seen as a DMC ripoff, but I'm mostly looking for games that for better or for worse just take the gameplay for the sake of it being popular rather than using it to explain the genre of Spectacle Fighters (Examples: Bayonetta, Nier, Automata, DMC:DMC, DMC5.) (yes I know all the once I mentioned are just from Platinum and Capcom but shhhhhhhh)

(please comment if you have any suggestions to add to the list, I already have a list made up but I'm always looking for more, and if you don't a game should be on this list please let me know.)

X-Men Origins: Wolverine Uncaged Edition
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Uncaged Edition
A pretty fun if not a bit repetitive but does a good job lifting the "God of War-Like" systems for the game. This is probably the most polished licensed game I've ever played and is 10 times better then the movie, granted that's not saying a lot but you get the idea.
Sonic Unleashed
Sonic Unleashed
The game that ruined me :(
I'm counting this because in my opinion the Were-Hog stages definitely outway the regular Sonic stages. As a Sonic game, it's one of my personal favorites even though it's VERY failed.
The Were-Hog stages can feel very repetitive and the overall combat just feels like "Babys first God of War" but to be fair; that's what the designers were going for so I guess it did a good job.
Dante's Inferno
Dante's Inferno
The most blatant in terms of "God of War-Like" games, but in my opinion it's the most fun and one of the most imaginative of the way it reinvents its usages of GOW's mechanics.

It's so good in terms of using the popular trends I kinda feel bad lumping it in with the rest but eh I've dug myself this deep might as well keep going.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Does a lot of cool stuff with God of Wars medium to close-range combat, and does a really good job incorporating Star Wars preestablished weapons and force ability to fit the mechanics. The story is good too I guess but I never really cared all that much about Starkiller.
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge
It's very blatant in what it's aping in terms of DMC's overall game feel, along with the fixed cameras that follow you, but it really doesn't do very much else.
This is the kind of game I was mostly talking about, it takes a popular style of game and grafts it to a preexisting property but doesn't do anything with the mechanics. The fact that it was made by Capcom doesn't help it either.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Not all that bad in terms of what's in the game, I feel MercurySteam had a very well-thought-out world and mythology for the reboot; visually, it gets the job done. But on the gameplay front it's almost beat for beat the same gameplay only with a few weeks that make it less fluid and more jank. Along with that the level progression is very disconnected, the characters and overall story is very meh, and the game is long clocking in at about 25 hours.

It's not bad per say just nothing special
Crash of the Titans
Crash of the Titans
Does this count.........I think so?

The idea of Titans is cool and the mechanic of using them in combat is fun, but the "God of War-Like" combat is so fucking shallow it's not even funny, and the humor is not my personal cup of tea.

It's not officially bad it still controls well and looks nice for a PS2 game, but it's just so boring and unmemorable it never reaches for more than just meh.
Much like the Afro Samurai game where it's not "objectively" a good beat-em-up, but it has so many elements I love that I can't help but enjoy every second of the game.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
A pointless sequel that adds nothing to both story of gameplay. It feels more like an expansion pack than a true sequel.
Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
It's a beat-for-beat clone of all of GoW's mechanics right down to the combos;' BUT, if you're gonna rip-off another game at least you did it with a good effort. Other than that the story is none existent and the enemy variety is very eh.
Not great but not the worst thing I've ever played
Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death
Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death
At its worst it's just a very meh GOW clone, at it's best it's nonstop over the top action with some of the lamest shit I've ever heard come out of a character's mouth.
Hellboy: The Science of Evil
Hellboy: The Science of Evil
This one is interesting since it takes aspects from both DMC (with its long-ranged combat), and GOW ( with its precision and dodging with medium to close-range combat). The best part is it's god awful at both, it's clunky and slow, and boring as sin.
Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters
Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters
About as stander as licensed games come.
All it really does is ape on the "God of War-like" gameplay that was popular at the time and slaps the Green Lantern name on it. I guess it was playable but other than that it was just really unmemorable and dull.


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