The pinnacle of ball-rolling puzzles.

A ripoff of Ballance that forces you to play each level in Timed mode to unlock Lava world. If you have only played each level in Freeplay mode, you are in for the most boring retread of doing everything a second time just to get to the actually good content. Thankfully it's short and has its own mechanics that Ballance lacks. The introduction of the metallic ball has neat puzzles that deal with its jump, dash, and metal abilities.

I'm not sure why this game has a story. Because it's not that great. Exo One's ball rolling, momentum-based gameplay is the shining jewel. Some levels go AGAINST the momentum gameplay the game usually targets. There is one unique level where your powers are gone. You have to use the wind to pick up enough speed to finish the level, which is a fresh idea in a game where you do the same thing each time. Very short overall and unfortunately has weird issues. The one that bugs me is that the level select has one of its levels blatantly labeled the wrong level and was never fixed because this developer sucks.

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The original Rain World was made as a sandbox with lots of creatures interacting with each other in an ecosystem. It has light story elements and lore that are SECRETS and INSIGNIFICANT to the core experience. Downpour unfortunately doubles down on the story and lore, so if you play the DLC first, which some might do, since you can activate a cheat to unlock all the campaigns, you're both playing a worse version of vanilla and getting dumb lore and drama dumped on you that you have no context for.

For example, let's say a a new player unlocks all the campaigns with a cheat and decides to play as Rivulet, not knowing some crucial paths and region layouts from the base game. They are going to get lost and have no idea where to go.

Artificer's campaign is extremely linear and is a pain in the ass to go to other regions because Artificer needs the karma from killed Scavengers to go anywhere. The intended route has only 2 gates that use this mechanic. Every other gate you can simply pass through. It's such a waste of a weird mechanic that does nothing but waste your time and gives you less freedom to explore the sandbox.

Out of all the campaigns, Gourmand is probably my favorite. It's not as lore heavy, adds the big tree from Survivor and Monk's intro as a playable region, and even adds slugpups, which were cut content, into the game if you finish the optional food quest.

The rest of the other campaigns are either too different from the base game's feel, has bad balancing issues, has awkward writing and confusing progression points, and makes the gameplay worse just to tell a "story". This is why you shouldn't mix modded content with official content.

It's still Rain World. It's still good content. Just with an extra coat of sparkledog OC donut steel vomit.

EDIT: Apparently there is a secret Nightcat campaign and it's a joke playthrough filled with memes. When you talk to Five Pebbles he talks about "five pebbsi" and that is somehow comedic. What the hell? Modders literally cannot resist the urge to add cringy jokes in whatever they make. Even more embarrassing since Rain World is suppose to be taken pretty seriously.

A great exploration game. I would've liked the combat to be a little more engaging. The story is serviceable and stays very safe throughout. Bosses could have been better. The artifact hunt is not as bad as people make it out to be. I've heard Echoes improves the Prime formula, so I'm excited to play it next.

Being more ambitious and realized than its predecessors, Clash: Artifacts of Chaos exceeded my expectations as the third installment in the Zeno Clash series. A self-contained spinoff gives ACE Team a clean slate to work with. This allows them to introduce new characters and conflicts that are more fleshed out.

You can choose to fight the henchmen at Gemini's Palace before obtaining a single Great Shield Artifact, giving you the freedom of nonlinear progression in such a tightly designed world. I love everything about the world.

An online coop mode was planned during development which would've been enabled through Pseudo's dream world. Unfortunately, it was scrapped, so the dream world serves no purpose aside from creating roadblocks.

I feel like some mechanics exist as window dressing. Giving the Boy cold protection clothing or a respirator mask does nothing and is merely flavor text.

There are minor bugs that are inconsequential for an indie developer as small as ACE Team.

An update released which addressed quality of life fixes and a New Game + mode.

I just wish the game was called Zeno Clash: Chaos or something like that. "Clash: Artifacts of Chaos" sounds like freemium shovelware garbage you'd find on an app store somewhere. Seriously, no one even knows this is related to Zeno Clash. It sucks because this game is truly special and it deserves more attention

I like to think of Mortal Sin as an arcade dungeon crawler beat em' up. Fast-paced, first-person melee combat with so much depth that I don't think any other first-person game can compete. You explore a wide variety of handcrafted areas, neatly sewn together into procedurally generated levels teeming with traps and enemies that want you dead.

When it's time to upgrade your character with enough perks and buffs to become grossly overpowered, the rush of one-hitting a horde of 25+ enemies, dismembering them all in a matter of seconds, while your combo meter stays at 3.0x is better than sex. Combat flows so well due to how many actions you can do in quick succession. Bashes, kicks and regular attacks can be chained together to raise your combo meter. Parries give you an upper hand, giving you a speed boost. Combo Shuffle is an interesting mode that I suck at.

Mortal Sin is so fast-paced you need to make split-second decisions that will make or break your run. Curses help you scale loot to higher numbers to have an easier time with each run, but each curse comes with a downside. Some change how you play the game completely.

The "scare" mechanic makes you mindful of your position when they start popping up during exploration or combat, keeping you always on your toes

There is nothing wrong with the game's graphics. The harsh shadows and vibrant colors of the art style remind me of a grimdark comic book.

The music is dynamic and rotates from exploration to combat seamlessly. Overall, the atmosphere in Mortal Sin is top notch for a game made by one person.

I don't give a shit about drama this game is amazing

I always come back to this game every year or so and play for 10-20 hours. Then I stop playing and the cycle repeats again. I wish Bethesda made a spiritual successor.


Scorn does not handhold the player AT ALL, which is great. It's rewarding to experiment with the puzzles and enemy encounters. Exploration is top-notch due to the absolutely incredible atmosphere.

One word to describe Scorn: unorthodox. Playing the game like an FPS will make you frustrated. It is better to avoid creatures and to observe them, then make the right move so you don't disturb them.

While Scorn is a bit short (there was supposed to be more content which was cut) it's still a very unique experience when you compare it to most games.

Simple and fun ball roller, but why did it have to be a porn game? You're honestly cannibalizing sales to include 18+ pornographic images, filtering out kids and other demographics. The art isn't even that good! I don't know man... I just like ball rolling games, so...

It's... fine. Apparently, from a documentary, the developers said that Breakdown on the original Xbox was an inspiration for this game. And when I mean inspiration, I mean HOLY SHIT THEY COPIED SO MANY SET PIECES FROM BREAKDOWN LOL



the story sucks and i wish it was focused more on hand-to-hand combat so it could be more like Breakdown

I enjoyed the direction Prime 2 went in. The level design has been improved from Prime 1. The Morph Ball puzzles in Sanctuary Fortress were a big highlight for me. The Sky Temple Key search was more intuitive than the Artifact hunt. Exploring Dark Aether at first is tense and frightening, until you get enough upgrades to feel immensely powerful, and thus you overcome your fear. Why do people think this is the black sheep of the series? Genuinely a lot more interesting to play than most Nintendo titles. Only issue I have is how sluggish Samus controls. She moves like a pregnant cow, I wish she was faster.