I actually found myself somewhat enjoying the first 10 or so hours of the game, but soon after that the game becomes a repetitive life-sucking gacha grind fest infested with practically every money hungry mobile game monetization tactic

amazing gameplay, a jawdropping variety of guns, really fun bosses, but dear god. i dont really play borderlands games for the story, but this story is so abysmal that its hard to ignore. these may be the worst villains in any video game ive played. and the humor rarely hits.

still highly recommend playing though just for how fun it is!! :)

it was beautfiul rumblin' with y'all <3

regular battle royale boring af, but playin rebirth during lockdown with the boys hit DIFFERENT!!

I know that I'm mostly alone in this rating, but The Finals is genuinely one of the most fun and unique shooters I have played in years. But despite how much potential it has, I am worried about it's longevity.

The game is definitely a little underbaked, being launched just over a month after it's last beta, which at this point can just be called a marketing stunt rather than a beta. As of right now, it lacks content. Overall though, I still highly recommend this game!