Insanely bizarre beatemup with a cliche af but entertaining, funny, and touching story. The gameplay was really customizable and is the most fun I ever had playing a beatemup. It was also really satisfying to get good at this game and learn ways to slowly improve my play to where I went from mashing on the enemies in stage 1 to actually doing GOOD towards the endgame. There's a low skill floor but a super high skill ceiling that gives it a cool "easy to learn hard to master" feel. The music is also composed by Masafumi Takada of No More Heroes and Danganronpa so the soundtrack is beyond PEAK! Really charming and cool character designs as well. All in all, really interesting package of a game that was really well paced and fun and I highly suggest anyone plays this because it was the most fun 12 hours of my life. I LOVE THIS GAME

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2024


3 days ago

Capcom and Clover just made one of the most fun beatemups ever and never mention it again

3 days ago

@Moister unfortunately the capcom clover classic with viewtiful joe as well
haven't played okami yet but I bet its the exact same thing but for adventure games

3 days ago

@Saiko4277 Viewtiful Joe is awesome too, hope they made a new one. Grew up with Red Hot Rumble which aparently is the worst one lol