super great remaster, happy to play it again

was surprised to see this game, but it's good

Gold power ups feel wasted when the reward for 1mil coins is so mediocre.

it's a good twist on Animal Crossing that will lure you in

It's just so bad, the boss fights especially.

great new twists on gameplay, but the game is getting a bit complex.

great refresh of my first Pokemon games

It was, just so bad... The only things that made it better were the mods I had running... Revelation's gameplay is just awful... The story isn't very good either...

It would have been a pretty good game if it was more technically sound...

Short, but fun. The new map was cool and varied, if a little small. Bring on part two.

I realized we never finished this DLC pack when it came out. Now that we have finished it, It was nice, but a little short. Ocean maps were cool though, and overworked spawns for Warlord are damned hilarious.

This is everything I wanted in an open world Pokemon game. Here's a map, a few objectives, now go. It was wonderful. Windward approved.