Really wish I could play this game as an adult, but the VRU won't have it.

It was really good! The new take on the Pokémon formula has me itching to see more games in this style. Gamefreak, give me Pokémon Legends Celebi...

Mario Galaxy looks beautiful in HD with the new textures. The game is just as fun as we remembered

the definitive way to experience Metroid Prime.

Hard, but good. I enjoyed finally getting to experience Marth’s story. I used the Complete Content Patch too, so I got to experience all of the Paralogue chapters and online shop items.

Falcoknight is busted and Caeda was a powerhouse

It's so good on the gameplay front. Emblems add that level of complexity that was missing from older games. The expansion pass moves this further toward perfect as more options are especially nice. That being said, the story is super bare bones. What's here is fine, but I normally cry at least once when I play a Fire Emblem game, and I didn't even come close with Engage.

Sephiroth and Sora in the same DLC. What is this, a crossover game?

This game is still a masterpiece in 2023. The movement is solid, the puzzles are great, and now that I've hit 100%, I can honestly say the game has that oh so often missed component: Heart. The game is oozing with heart and earnestness throughout, and is utterly unafraid of taking shots at itself to give the player a laugh. I loved this play through, and I love this game.

Great game, can't wait for the next one.

impressive tech demo for the DS, story isn't bad either

the best way to experience Ocarina of Time

It's a high octane multiplayer Shooter, I had fun with it, but Giving it to my partner was a mistake because I never get to play it anymore.

great way to get exclusive Pokemon.