1 review liked by Samasama

My mom banned me from playing this game when I found it at Grandma's house (left by a random cousin no doubt, Grandma only played Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, and Super Scattergories) because the girl you rescue in level 3 has pixel nipples poking through her tank top. Replaying it as an adult, I'm kind of baffled that the mincemeat gore and ejected eyeballs weren't the issue. Conservative Christian Childrearing!

Holds up better than I thought though! The harder difficulties aren't really balanced, so I'd consider "Easy" to be the best way to play as it's plenty challenging. After playing Episode 2 and Episode 3 for the first time, I'm not sure if they were worth the 20+ year wait, but they're certainly better than a lot of their DOS contemporaries. Apogee was to DOS what Rare was to the N64!