The worst thing to happen to war since Hitler.

Well, it was fun at first, then after a dozen games, it became tedious and repetitive and well, there's nothing to it, since it's a game that you have to grind and grind to get something to get something else and get something else to get that something else. Oh well... fun to pass the time but just that.

Fun with lots to do but this all ends when every single thing in here is to be purchased. Used to be great, now it’s just ok to pass the time until you’re fed up with all the micro transactions all over the place reminding you to pay every 5 minutes.

The game is just there to make you pay. At the end of the day this is all it wants from you. Which isn’t a bad thing necessarily because they have to somehow make money too. But it’s not fun to play after a while, besides the obvious of collecting characters there’s not much else to it. You’re not interacting with anyone or anything. You’re just there watching battles and picking teams.

Only reason I came back to it was because of Revan but..even HE wasn’t enough to make me stay longer.

Damn I remember it being MUCH easier than this.

Great game, even though it can't compare to either of the other 2 KotOR games. Fun to pass the time for sure.

It's ok to try things in life. Unless these things are a quick cash grab full of microtransactions.

Even though sometimes it can get you really pissed of simply because it resigns out of nowhere or something happens and it lags, it's fun and great to practice.

And the main reason I like it more than lichess is the design.

Nice little game to pass the time, but of course as with every game that follows the same recipe (ha) it falls under the trap of repetitiveness and unfortunately it simply becomes a chore to play after a while.

Other than that, it's fun and simple with nice little things happening and it's not forcing you to purchase anything to enjoy the game and upgrade your stuff.

Fans of these types of games will love this one for sure!

Fun game to pass the time!

It’s ok to pass the time but nothing to be too excited about.

Fun at first but then after 10 minutes or so… repetitiveness makes a cameo surprise in every game you start.

This one was if not better because I’m a sucker for anything Star Wars related, then just as good as the classic Angry Birds.