It feels as if Hideo Kojima wrote the entire final act. I still prefer Layton over Phoenix, mostly because the trials are padded to feel more "complex" and the way it wants you to resolve the cases is rigid and sometimes artificial. The puzzles here are also quite easy if you put them next to the better Layton games. It was a fun ride and I wish companies would try to do more crossovers between their franchises, but I don't think I will be replaying this ever again.

Played around 4 hours since the game refused to run properly on my PC, no matter how much I tinkered with the graphics settings. As for the game, it's like a Resident Evil 4 2.0 but way less interesting or fun. Mikami went off the rails with both the scripted gameplay and other details that feel forced. There is no motivation in playing this whatsoever...

Poor Toriyama, he has been trying to bring back Dragon Ball to it's roots, that is, silly fun harmless adventures. The thing is, fans want more roid rage space bugs fighting Goku over and over. This game captures that, and it actually does a pretty good job gameplaywise, but if you have grown tired of this franchise like I did your enjoyment of the game won't last long.

Short, sweet and creepy, just like my ex, and just like her I have no reason to go back to start all over again.

My first Tales game and I don't have the GC 2003 nostalgia since I played this recently. I don't like abandoning games, but this was an absolute bore to play. Characters and story are animu and mango cliche land 101, the combat is mind numbing repetitive. The story is slugish too and at some point the game decided to stop being clear about what to do next. I will try Tales of the Abyss next to see if it was just me or this franchise is just something I can live my life without really diving into it.

Fun even in it's mediocre and flat design...

Shohei Ohtani probably trained playing this...

Played mostly the co op so far, which can be a bit of a mess depending who you play with.

You have no idea where to go? Enemies can one shot kill your entire party? Welcome to the world of SMT games my friend...

This game is tough and not very fair.


Castlevania Bloodlines is vastly superior to this game in every single way.

I'm curious why this game is so popular. By this point the tank controls were already a headache, the backtracking was tedious and the story is not a big hook either. It was just more of the same and while the new location had some solid atmosphere the overall experience was bland. Finished this once and never came back.