I think I started this franchise with the wrong ports...

I can't quite make up my mind about this one, on one hand you would expect more when somebody from Treasure is involved, on the other hand, it's a decent time waster that can get repetitive in a musou kind of way. The story is silly but not that funny, the combat is just there, never bothering to be either challenging or addictive. Is just stuck in a weird limbo of being a bit too mediocre for it's own good. Just get it dirty cheap for Steam and see for yourself.

Survived only once so far, once they all get very depressed it's over...

I'm totally down for a remaster of this game...

It's goofy and charming in the right dose, even far more bold that many edgy games that came out later and even today.

Surprisingly a lot of fun and not just a downgraded version of the originals.

Chu Chu was crucified for all our sins. Also, The Tower of Babel is one of the worst levels in the history of rpgs

By all means this is a fun game, but there are details that keep it from being a more polished experience. The AI of some of the NPC that you have to rescue is rather frustrating and sometimes you have to be at two place almost at the same time. If you can deal with that and some cheap bosses then the game can be quite enjoyable.

Some of the DLC can be a mixed bag (I had to restart the entire Sierra Madre Casino DLC due to one stupid bug where the collar kept beeping no matter what I did) but it gives the game even more replay value.

I love the original for the snes, and I truly think this one might be the best version. It is quite polished and will keep you coming back for more. The new playable characters are great and add a lot of diversity gameplay wise. A true classic that got a new blood in it's veins to shine brighter.

Played this on PS3 as a PS2 classic, console got yellow light of death. One day I'll go back to this tough bitch...

Clunky gameplay that was suppose to be a Silent Hill game. With all the crap games the franchise got after 4 I'm just surprised Konami was sane enough to not include this mediocre drivel.

This is the point where I lost interest in the franchise. Maybe the newer entries brought back the series to their roots? This one had pretty much no replay value.

You need to have OCD to enjoy this game...