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1 day

Last played

January 15, 2024

Platforms Played


Right so the first handheld entry was atrocious - so I had the bar set very low here. But this ended up being much better, it’s obvious the devs learnt lessons from before.

BR’s story is non existent, it tries to bring characters in with a bit of dialouge at the very end, but I’m gonna assume the rest of this was explained in the manual, as there really is nothing here. Presentation wise it’s definitely better, while still simple, the backgrounds are nicely detailed and bosses look more imposing.

The gameplay is a step up too, while we are still using the stiff jump classic CastleVania is known for, the levels don’t ask for more than you’re cape-able of, and enemies are way more balanced.

Level gimmicks are better implemented, there’s some really clever stuff here that I wasn’t expecting from a gameboy title, but it goes to show hardware doesn’t excuse game quality.

You can once again upgrade your whip with a fireball, but now only certain enemies can strip you of this, and mostly they aren’t placed unfairly. There’s also a couple of sub weapons which are a welcome addition.

The games not long but the stages are honestly fun. It’s only really the last stages where things get messy, the last bosses get increasingly more unfair, often putting you in scenarios where getting hit is unavoidable. The final boss is nigh on impossible without insane memory, and it brings the game down at the end - 5.2/10