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February 20, 2024

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This is a double review for Xtreme 1 and 2. Main reason, Xt1 isn’t much of anything, it’s basically an 8bit mix of Megaman X1 and 2, and as the gameplay is the same across both of these, it’s easier to just merge them.

Both games involve travelling through stages from the console games, but in 2 There is a fair bit of originality. X controls okay but he’s pretty floaty, making it easy to lose control during tight platforming sections. In 2 you can play as Zero, who sucks compared to his PS1 outings, no range and lacking attacks. However X Can become ridiculously powerful using just his base weapon, it quickly became the best way to kill everything in seconds, and it was fun no doubt, but pretty limiting.

Extra weapons are borrowed from other games, and 1 has the better selection no doubt, as pulling from X1 and X2 is bound to have strong results. Xtreme 2 really doesn’t have much utility in the weapon department at all, it’s better to just stick to your base weapon as previously mentioned.

In both games you essentially have to play the game 3 times to see everything, as the second run brings new stages and bosses, and the 3rd combines everything in one “big” adventure. A cool thing is that in 2, you can switch characters on the fly, marking the first time this was possible in the series. It’s great for having that extra support in bosses.

These games really struggle to stand up to the console X games, but I did have fun with 2. They are little rough around the edges, But did their job at the time. So for Xtreme 1 it gets a 5/10, and 2 gets a 6/10