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By far one of the most niche Sonic games that’s never been released on anything else, Sonic Pocket Adventure is essentially a twist on Sonic 2, with music from Sonic 3. Stages may have different names, but they are in essence, levels from Sonic 2 with some slight design changes.

Sonic controls like he does in the Genesis games, so not complaints there, though he is the only playable character outside of multiplayer.

The only real differences are the bosses and the special stages. Bosses are all original contraptions and I love how Dr Eggmans look transitions from the Classic style to the Adventure Style by the end of the game. There’s an added Super Sonic fight if you’re able to get the all emeralds, but that’s pretty hard when the special stages are really hard versions of the half pipe. You also only get 1 attempt at an emerald per zone and exactly enough attempts to get them all. It’s stupid, and you can’t even use Super Sonic outside of the final boss.

That aside I love how this game looks, and there’s some extra content in puzzle pieces to collect if you fancy it.

This is an absolutely fun and fine Sonic game, it’s just not much in originality.