A remake of the bonus chapter from the ps2 release, Seperate Ways takes us through Ada Wongs side of the story.

In terms of writing I find this version to be stronger than the original, although I'm unsure on Ada's voice performance.
It's less femme fatale and more "I really don't care". It's not awful and she has some good lines, but Ada has been done better before.

However I do think this version of the side campaign is better than the original. All the Improvements from the base remake are put to great use here, and Ada's grappling hook is used for both spectacle and in combat, making her extremely fun to play as.

You essentially are playing certain sections of the main game in a new order, and this DLC doesn't add too many new areas, even strangely omitting some parts that were new in the original version.

However there will be some surprises in here for fans of the original game, as a few things omitted from the remake got their time in the sun here.

This campaign flows really well, and the new stuff is mixed in with the old just enough to ensure this doesn't feel like a total retread, something the original struggled with. A few of the omissions are definitely odd, but I think it was in service to the new narrative.

I enjoyed this, it's not quite how you remember, but for £7? It's totally worth it - 8/10

Reviewed on May 19, 2024
