I wanted to play this for years, ever since I played the original and really enjoyed it, and it absolutely didn't disappoint. TTYD is an extremely memorable experience.

The partners you gain in the game are very likeable (as is the whole cast) and they make up for the fairly simple plot, though it is Mario what do you expect. I actually think Super Paper Mario has the better storyline. The characters really pick up the slack, though I wish they were given more individual time in the spotlight.

The battle system is so much fun, with the game being a stage play, it's important to appeal to the crowd and learn the timings for stylish attacks. This is very engaging and keeps me immersed in battle, while rewarding you with special moves.

The world is pretty different for Mario, only having those traditonal areas for chapter 1. Beyond that there's a boxing arena, a train murder mystery and Russia!

Main problem is the backtracking - god whether it's for a side quest (which are handled awfully) or just to progress, it's absolutely rampant throughout and kills the pacing at times.

I loved this and I believe it to be the best entry in the Paper Mario series. But I really think that there is so much potential here for an even better game, not that I dislike modern Paper Mario, but from what's here, there could be more - 8/10

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2021
