40 Reviews liked by Scale

Haven't played this without friends and am always the tank, but i love it. Always fun to see the numbers go up and kill time with friends

ah ah ah i won't be sucked back into pizza tower that easily (he was sucked back into pizza tower that easily)

too short. if they made you play the game an additional 20 times i think it would've been received more positively

i hate art. i hate art. i despise art. artists should be eliminated... grrrr... art... art.... artt

Played the demo of this. Can't wait for the full release!

This chapter is my favorite throughout all of Higurashi. Truly a culmination of what this story means for its audience and characters. Beautiful character work, music and elements that further get you invested in the mystery. Rena’s perspective is heartbreaking, yet captivatingly written. Get these kids some therapy.

The Evangelion of video games

Feeling this game's novelty wear off and get stale with each subsequent session is an experience worse than losing a child to hard drugs, shit was so magical on that first week

This game is very unique and individual, which is odd to say knowing from the outset that it is so derivative and inspired and its inspirations are known clearly. I am very happy with it for how little it is worth and for how it is made by only one person. I have heard people say they are "bored" with it or find it to have not much content past, say, the first ten to fifteen hours, which is frankly insane to me because people give much shorter games with much higher asking prices much higher regards within that same exact time-frame. The mods are fine, technical fixes and QoL additions mainly, most mod creators are very stupid though, and you can't trust them with a similar degree of creative conscience and overhead as you can the sole developer. I love its visuals, the edge detection is such an odd choice for an omnipresent visual effect on top of its low resolution and volumetric fog everywhere that catches everything you do. I love the normals on the helmet's visor, They're low-res and interpolated really ugly but it makes me laugh. The sound design is likely the best aspect of the game, and including VoIP in that decision and affecting it in as many ways as possible is more than just for making funny jokes, it's incredibly communicative and immersive and really makes you feel that separation when it happens. I will eagerly watch its continued development even after the flavor-of-the-month hype dies down

When it comes to a battle of luck, always bet on Spud

combined steins;gate and epstein to create epstein's gate. funny game

Game freak already released their best Pokemon game ever with Pokemon SV. Beating up pals and capturing humans is funny but its just a one time novelty in this otherwise blatantly unoriginal game. Game Freak has nothing to learn from Palworld, the higher ups just need to let the devs finish and fully realize their games.

i find it funny that the mega mushroom was so heavily advertised (look at the cover) but nintendo could only find like 1 or 2 levels to put it in so to keep it relevant half of the toad houses are completely useless

goes hard if you're an 11 year old girl but goes even harder if you're a stupid fat guy in his 20s