Enemies don't follow the same rules as the player, as in only a few Daemon enemies aren't practically stationary, all projectiles are laughably slow, and very few last more than one second under fire, even if the enemy in question is a regular Chaos Space Marine with a Bolter just like yours, or worse yet, an honest-to-God Chaos Terminator.

More importantly however is the fact that there is no level or character editors nor any kind of official mod support, yet they still overcharge you. You are stuck playing their levels, as their OC (a Primaris Ultramarine what a vile combo) until you get all achievements and immediately drop it as you have nothing left to do except speedrun, until the DLC drops where they ask you to do it all over again.

I have no idea what they were thinking when they decided to implement a durability system without any means of repair and also only apply it to weapons and not armor for some reason, but here we are, the only thing (that I remember) holding this game back besides the hardware it's on.

The OG fan translation had more soul.

If there were missions where you play as the Terrorists, in the series where playing either side is kinda the main (and only) point, then it would help make this game feel more like a parody of common action tropes, and not CoD-style propaganda. The abundance of suicide bombers in the very first level helps the idea that this is supposed to be a parody. However, this was made in 2004, so no way that would have ever happened, and the game suffers for it, ending up as pretty dull if not on the highest difficulty.

In many ways does not understand what game it is recreating.