one of the greatest games ever made - especially playing with Primehack on dolphin. shit is magical, even today. the atmosphere is thick, the kind of game you listen to just for the ambience. captivating and engrossing in a way few other games have ever come close to, it's a miracle this exists and is as good as it is. of all Nintendo series to get the 3D transition, I believe this is the best one. over Mario 64 and Ocarina. it's so goddamn good. cements Metroid as Nintendo's strongest large ip through art direction alone.

"Once upon a time, a blue-eyed boy from the old west learned one of life's cruelest lessons: that evil was bigger than his gun"

that line has stuck with me forever, that shit is so raw. this game is rough as hell and jank incarnate but it has so much character that after watching just its opening ( you'd probably be insane to not love it, at least a little.

why would you make it feel like that

i thought i'd like these games more in VR but man i sure did not enjoy my time with this. moment to moment gameplay is just not engaging at all beyond the imminent fear of jumpscares, which i'm not a huge fan of. also, as someone who hasn't really spent time with the other ones, i was super confused trying to even find out what to do in a few of em. the minigames are pretty mixed between actually cool (vents) and the other ones.

me showing my bf the guy in the bg of Cool Cat who walks out of his house and immediately goes back inside

this is the only game prairie province oil field worker dads have ever played, and while i recognize these words mean absolutely fucking nothing to the vast majority of users on this site, this game is evil incarnate.

Like if Blood came out after The Matrix. You're a badass coolguy who's the special cursed one in a long trench coat with a cool hat and steel boots, you've got guns that double as melee weapons, there's a morality system that can give you chain lightning, you have to fuck this one evil goth lady in an on-screen sex scene, and yes - you can double jump. Darkwatch is the kind of decent game with some neat ideas and fun design that people who made red and black MLP OCs who's special talent was bleeding would think is sick as fuck. and they'd be right.

Harvester is one of the only video games with graphic child death AND freaky incest. it's dumb, edgy, and amazing. goofy, B-movie Americana in adorable FMV.