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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 23, 2023

Platforms Played


I forced myself to continue playing until the end of the first act (27 hours). I wanted so much to like this game but it just doesn’t click. The production value is top notch. I recognize that this is a wet dream for old school JRPG lovers but I had a hard time getting invested into it. The game is just so extremely easy. Even now at the end of act 1 I was still rolling over ennemies and bosses. Thus, all the abilities, equipment, shops mean nothing. It’s a shame they put such an amount of content in a game just to have it spoiled because you don’t need anything of it. I know there’s the Draconian options to remedy this but I don’t see myself throwing all that gameplay time out of the window 😕