I wish there was less gwent in my gwent game
(seriously though, I think cdpr overestimates how much people who will buy a single player campaign of a card game they could play for free like said card game. I'm here for the story and characters, please delve deeper into them, I feel like I've barely scratched the surface, especially with the characters!)


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Really good, I enjoyed it a lot. Ending made me sad though (for reasons that are entirely my own, most people probably won't be sad) and i wish there was another way of finishing the game. I wanna stay on the Gliding forever, but I also wanna roll credits.

[Review copied from Steam]

I was looking for a video game, not pseudo-poetry meets agonisingly slow walking sim. This game would've been better off as an overwritten volume of self published indie poetry that you find in an abandoned corner of barnes & noble, with a typewriter font for the title and a blurry picture of a rugged cliff side topped off by a lighthouse on the cover, overlaid with an ageing effect and fake scratches.
Probably THE most pretentious, annoying narrators i've ever had the displeasure of listening to in any piece of media ever. none of his metaphors make any sense, he's overly dramatic, and the story he's telling is about as clear as bog water.
The visuals inside the cave were nice, and the music wasn't terrible. Only get this if you're not bothered by a crawling walking speed.
My life is worse for having played this.


Not much to it, but what's there is enjoyable.

It's free, but that doesn't mean it's good.

[Review copied from Steam]

Got this game for cheap through a humble bundle (I had it on my wishlist prior to that) and it was WELL worth my money. Some other reviews say it's a Shadow of the Colossus wanna-be, and i haven't played that game, so I can't really say whether that's accurate. But I do think that it's probably just... the same somewhat niche genre. From what i've seen the world is totally different, and I think the world is where this game really shines. I've never encountered a snowy world in a game that was as interesting as this one. Despite the very limited colour palette this world looks stunning, and the layout of everything is interesting and connects the different areas nicely.
I did have some issues with the climbing mechanic occasionally (not enough to frustrate for longer than a few minutes), and the enemies' attack hitboxes. Multiple times did I get hit or staggered by an enemy that I thought I was well out of reach of, and I let my PC know audibly what I thought of that.
The difficulty curve of the needs decreasing and the weather becoming harsher was a bit steep, especially because I didn't realise it was happening until after the sixth boss. I had left some of the exploring and upgrading till then, and it became extremely tedious to do at that point. So much so that at times I felt it more efficient to regenerate my health with the copious amounts of health potions found everywhere than it was to keep my warmth meter up. It just goes down so fast and the weather turns so quickly. If I could do it over again I would definitely explore the whole map first, upgrade my gear, and only then start on the bosses. If that even is how it actually works. Maybe it goes by playtime or map areas uncovered, I'm not quite sure.

Tl;dr great game with a little bit of jank. Would recommend.

Unexpectedly had a blast with this. Very good for when you have half an hour to kill.

unfortunately not as fun as it looks

Actually pretty fun if you go into it knowing it's incredibly, horribly dated and janky.

The second and third game in this series are definitely tied for my favourites. The second takes the cake for story and characters, the third for gameplay and exploration.

Terrible. Absolutely awful. The sprint button does next to nothing and the prey animals are faster than you, making hunting for food almost impossible. A fully grown deer doesn't even fully fill the hunger bar. Movement is clunky and awful, there's very little to do, you can't actually befriend other wolves to my knowledge (there's no interact button prompt and they just leave). Nothing like in the trailer. DON'T BUY, get Wolf Quest instead if you're a wolfaboo

Looks amazing for a student project, but the controls are so clunky, which is terrible for a 3d platformer. It's free though, so do give it a shot.

It's free. It's short. It's fairly unique in what it makes you do (as far as video games go). Definitely recommend if you like writing and have ever wished you could be in Violet Evergarden without the weird adult/minor love story

Short, free, and the water skating mechanic is fun. Ending was abrupt and unsatisfying though

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Loved the game up until the ending, which was a real let down for me.