It is what you expect from a Fire Emblem plot, but with idols, literally half (all friendly mirages) of the cast has amnesia in the first chapters of the game. There's also a mind control plot. Literally cannot win, everybody needs dumb shit happening to their brains apparently. Combat is entirely dedicated to a combo system that gets boring real fast, and its either too easy or suddenly bosses do all of your health in one hit, so you need to grind until its easy again.

This game has a lot of good, but it has a lot of bad too. The game has an incredibly touching narrative with great characters that actually left me crying in a few scenes. It however has a lot of content that detracts from that story, basically every report. Having quite a few characters being given what felt like negative development, or forced beach episodes that are painful to watch. I accidentally left all the reports until the end (besides the one regarding Faldio/Alicia), and frankly that is the best way to play it. I got a better more well rounded story out of it, and started losing some of my love for the game after watching them, because that story started to crumble a bit. The DLC exacerbated this problem even more, and left me wondering why I would want any of this? The gameplay also is a chore. It is so laughably annoying that I felt like I was in a hostage situation when playing it. I had to do it, or else I wouldn't see the story I loved so much, but it turned out not to be worth it at all considering everything before. Everything is down to RNG from all units movement and accuracy to even how the enemies conduct their turn that time. There were times I was reloading a save, because an enemy got an impossible angle on the Edelweiss' rear (the back engine being pressed against an object and fully surrounded by it on all 3 sides), instantly killing me over and over until, miraculously, they finally missed, and I could play the game again. Every miss you make has the chance to be so debilitating that it is not worth playing the doomed save, so it is a save and reload every action kind of game. It is absolutely worth nobody's time, and you would probably be better off watching the anime, or reading (or even playing) a better written war story.

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I really enjoyed this game. The story was incredibly compelling considering the kind of place I've been in, and David working through his issues through other people was a very nice way to pace things. It doesn't overstay (beating it twice took me 12 hours) it's welcome with only 3 places to explore that are all pretty spooky, and have puzzles I really enjoyed, minus a miss or two. The only major problems are the 2 endings that sorta obfuscate the meaning a bit. Having David talk directly to Duke in the Newgame+ route, while also implying it was all about him at the end, and how everyone (besides the kid?) were directly related to him felt off. It sorta detracted from the experience, by making things incredibly confusing. In the original ending he's been long gone, not even rotting, just bone, and honestly I think that's a bit more cathartic. He was a ghost who helped you through it, and maybe he was the crooked man pushing you further. Him being alive sorta throws into question how his spirit even affected David in the first place, but other than that it was incredible to play. The only other gripe I have with it was the action sequences in the gameplay. The incredibly scripted messy interactions with the crooked man. Having to inspect a hole to activate a cutscene to kick him down it was just sorta boring, which is them at their best. Boring. Confusing and annoying is their worst, but they don't make the game worse or anything. Running out doors and getting instantly killed was definitely infuriating at first, then suddenly it was mandatory to run out of them to lock it behind me. Which was just not very fun or engaging. At least the boss fights feel pretty impactful, and reflect David's growth. Definitely worth playing.

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(I played the PS2 translated version). I really wanted to like this game. I hoped it would be a good gateway for me to get invested into Dragon Quest, but it seems to be a "cozy" game rather than an RPG experience I hoped for. It has some of the most boring exploration. Being forced to walk around where you can get into a random amount of encounters that all play the exact same feels like a punishment, and for what, a chest with a chimera wing? One of the most useless traversal items in any game ever? The combat is so watered down and standardized that the second you get a boomerang, that's what you will have for the rest of the game until you get one of the better swords, so all you do is hit circle until its over. Every boss plays the same as an enemy except you need to cast buffs and debuffs (if they aren't nullified like most other magic), so you spend one turn doing that, before spamming attack and healing, same with every other encounter. The game is so desperate to feel grand with its lackluster story that is built around 1 core idea, that it can't even have an engaging combat system for a moment at all. Too bad what it built itself around is a sorta vapid story of having pure bloodlines and destiny. The most impactful choice you can make at all in the game is choosing which heavenly wife you have, and they still are functionally the same in the story. They are there for a few dungeons, before being whisked away until the tail end of the game. The game is also as desperate as possible to take away any agency or player-character involvement as much as possible, to the point you have 2 huge sections of the game where you are enslaved or turned into a stone that span 10 and 8 years respectively. You don't even get to raise the kids or be with your wife at all, which is the whole central axiom of the game. It fails on almost every account, but it has some interesting concepts, that could be used in better made games, and it was charming, if not quaint, but that's truly the highest praise I have for it. I can't think of anything else positive to say, which is the most damning thing about it.